Bang Bang, That Awful Sound

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Hospital Lobby

Gasping and catching their breath, both didn't look at each other, scared to lose the moment they had. Arizona was the brave one to let go first and spoke.

"Was that a goodbye?"

Callie stayed quiet and turned around. Arizona could hear her sobs inside the cramped space. She immediately pushed the emergency button to start the elevator. And as soon as the doors open, she  exited the elevator hurriedly, leaving Callie inside.

Arizona didn't know where her feet would lead her, but she kept walking. Things between them had already been complicated, and that kiss didn't help with the current mess they were. She turned and ended up in the hospital lobby. Arizona came to a halt, panting and trying to get her heart beat calmer after that encounter. She noticed Eric standing behind a wall, peering at the receptions area. She stepped closer and stood beside Eric.

"What's up?"

Eric kept quiet for a moment. He let out a deep exhale.

"When Lexie looks at me, all she sees is the person she hates. And then she looks at Mark, like he's the only person she can see."

Arizona followed his stare, leading her towards Mark and Lexie. "Oh, Eric."

"I could have met her first, if I just..." Eric glanced at Arizona. "I could have." He looked back at the two. "She's still in love with Mark." Eric sighed, "Tell me, how can I compete with with that?"

- - - - -

Late Evening
Meredith's House

Meredith and Cristina continued looking through Derek and Meredith's dream house blueprint, lying on the bed.

"Your room is here." Meredith at the corner room beside the guest room. "Actually it was Derek's idea to build you and Lexie a room in our house."

Cristina narrowed her eyes at Meredith. "Oh, great. For a second there, I thought I'm special."

Lexie suddenly opened the bedroom door. They shot a glance at her as she stepped inside. Lexie continued on the bed and slumped down between them. She covered her face with a pillow.

"What's her problem now?" Cristina said as she leaned against the headboard, straightening her back.

Derek came back into the room, carrying two coffee mugs. He shifted his gaze, noticing another person lying on his bed.

"Uhm..." Derek took a breath and looked at his wife and Cristina, who were both staring at him. He then looked Lexie, who remained motionless with a pillow on her face. He shook his head in resignation as he added. "I thought there's only two of you. I brought coffee."

"Where's my Tequila?"

"Uh, Lexie. What are you doing here?" Meredith asked, glancing back at her sister.

Lexie removed the pillow as she blurted out, letting out a heavy sigh. "Eric said he likes me." Lexie paused, "W-well, t-that's what I think he said."


Derek gaped as he stared at the three women on the bed. "That's my cue." He muttered to himself. He hurriedly exited the room, placing the two mugs on the nearest drawer. "I'm gonna get another coffee." He turned around and left the room.

"Don't forget my Tequila!" Cristina pushed herself off the bed. With a sigh, she walked towards the two coffees at the top of the drawer and grab a mug.

Lexie had her both hands over her face, rubbing her face as she groaned.

"And Mark." Lexie exhaled, "He just told me he's still in love with me."

Where We Might End Up - a Grey's Anatomy AUWhere stories live. Discover now