Learning to Live with Me

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Eric's Apartment

Eric woke up, as his alarm rang, and did what would he consider his regular morning. Everything seemed back to normal now, he pondered. Smiling, as he looked out the window, Eric enjoyed a couple of minutes of peace staring at Lake Union before he stepped out of his room and started his day.

Eric continued downstairs to turn the coffee on and went back to his room to wash his face. He was finished washing his face, brushing his teeth and putting on his workout clothes by the time the coffee maker beeped. Eric then stepped downstairs, towards the kitchen, to pour himself a mug. After coffee, it's time for a jog.

Before going back home, Eric would pass by the farmers' market. Instead of passing through the market back at his house, he stopped. - It was something he never did before. Eric looked at the display as he slowly walked through the market. Seeing the fresh fruits on display, Eric bought some - oranges, kiwis and apples - before he jogged back to his flat.

Coming back, Eric would eventually grasp that his morning wasn't that usual like he realized. Eric opened the door while he held the bag and with an apple in his mouth. As he turned around, Eric saw Lexie making breakfast at the kitchen. He slacked his mouth, letting the apple fall, catching it with his other hand. Simultaneously, he closed the door. Lexie glanced at him as the door creaked shut.

"Oh, Good morning," Lexie greeted with a beam. Eric immediately hid the apple behind him as Lexie stared at what he's holding, "You went... shopping?" Lexie noticed the label on the brown bag. Her gaze moved back to Eric.

"Good... morning, Dr. Grey," Eric cleared his throat before walking towards the counter. He pulled out the oranges and kiwis, placing those in the fruit bowl on the counter, but kept the apples inside the bag. Acting like the bag was empty, he folded the brown paper bag and moved it away from her sight.

"Here," He uttered, pushing the fruit bowl close to her.

"Uhm, thanks," Lexie stared at the bowl in front of her before she picked two kiwis. She turned around to cut it on the chopping board.

As she looked away, Eric slowly stepped back towards the living room. He looked back at Lexie before he hid the bag under the sofa. After he's sure it's well hidden, Eric walked upstairs to take a shower.

Cutting the last kiwi, Lexie turned around and spoke, "Do you wa..." She stopped as the sound of Eric's bedroom door, closing, sounded through the empty living room, "...okay."

When Eric told her she can stay at the apartment, Lexie couldn't help but worry about how the two of them would act around each other, now that they're together most of the time, at the hospital and now at his apartment. Even if it's temporary, Lexie contemplated about it, seeing how successful their first day was.

Lexie was surprised that he offered help last night when she said she has nowhere to go. She's grateful, of course, but there's still this awkwardness between them. There's that horrible first impression, a disagreeable past. She couldn't help but felt nervous about living with him, if she's honest. They weren't exactly friends. And also, contemplating about the fact that that's them as workmates. Them as flat mates didn't actually cross Lexie's mind, not until now.

Now, on their first day living in the same house, Lexie didn't know how to act around him. Evidently, Eric didn't know how, too. - He's overly formal and obviously hiding something from her. Lexie left the flat before Eric finished washing upstairs to escape anymore awkwardness between them.

Eric went out of his room after taking a shower and putting on clothes. Eric was planning on asking Lexie to ride with him to the hospital, but she already left when Eric walked downstairs. He grabbed the brown bag hidden under the sofa before leaving his apartment to go to work.
- - - - -
Attendings' Lounge
Eric carried the bag as he walked inside the lounge. Inside, Callie sat at the circular table studying several research journals. Eric waited for Callie to notice him and greet him with her usual smile and cheery good morning. - But nothing's usual with his morning. He sighed as he stepped inside the lounge, moving towards the table where Callie was.

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