Will Mine be the Face You Recognize?

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Present Day - Morning
Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital - Psychology Wing

Sub-interns were gathering around Raj Sen, psych resident, at the first day of psych clerkship. Bailey stepped towards the nurses' station near the noisy group.

"Can you all keep it down?!" Raj pleaded as the sub-Is continued to surround the psychiatrist, swamping him with deafening chatting, "Th-there are patients resting... I need you all to..." Raj put down his hands and exhaled, "God, I hate med students."

"Hey!" Bailey snapped. The sub-interns looked at her as she continued, "This. is. a hospital, not a public market!"

The sub-Is hushed.

Raj looked at Bailey, "Thank you Dr. Bailey."

Bailey nodded in response. She turned and faced the nurse.

"Good morning Doctor."

"I'm here for the consult — Can I have Greg Barton's chart please?"

"Sure, Dr. Bailey."

Lexie arrived at the psych ward. Seeing Bailey standing beside the nurses' station, she walked towards her.

"Good." Bailey made sure Lexie saw her arched brow, pausing before she added, "You're here." Bailey glanced at her watch, "I'm going to the patient's room. Stay here and wait for the chart."


A group of sub-Is noticed Lexie as she waited for the patient's chart. They greeted her after Raj finished relaying them their tasks for the day.

"Hey Dr. Grey."

"Oh, hi, guys." Lexie glanced at them, "First day at psych ward?"


"I am terrified." The other confessed.

Lexie chuckled at the sub-intern's confession. The nurse then called her.

"Here's the chart, Dr. Grey."

"Thank you," Lexie turned and reached for the chart. She glanced back at the interns as she went on, "You know, actually, I had a great time during my psych rotation... It was one of my favorites. I almost chose it as a specialty but, uh... I chose surgery." Lexie smiled as she reminisced her time as a sub-intern. She looked back at the med students and added, "Don't worry. It'll be fun."

- - - - -

Three Years Ago
Massachusetts General Hospital - Medical Records' Room

Lexie was two weeks away from completing her clerkship; a few weeks from being a doctor. — Years of boring lectures, grueling exams, sleepless nights and exhausting days. If she would just stay quiet for a few more weeks, she'd be walking out of Harvard with a medical degree, but no. She just had to be that student; that student who couldn't mind her own business. Now, Lexie might've just jeopardized her future just because she had a hunch.

She tiptoed through the corridor as she made her way towards the medical records' room, hoping no one would catch her going in. She stopped in front of the door, scanning the floor before entering the room.

Lexie felt a patient wasn't supposed to be inside the psych ward, a feeling she's unsure of, but she's following it anyway. Lexie knew she needed to get all the details before she raised it to her supervisor — the supervisor who'd been giving her a hard time after she got one of the doctor's attention when she's doing the tasks better than him. Getting this information, she found herself sneaking inside the medical records' room, where she, a medical student, wasn't allowed to be inside without supervision.

Where We Might End Up - a Grey's Anatomy AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt