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Eric could taste the blood filling in his mouth as he struggled to move his jaw, cringing in pain. Drifting in and out of consciousness, he felt disoriented. His world turned over and over. Suddenly, everything stopped. His eyes quivered as he woke back up, feeling a sharp pain. Eric screamed in agony, but he heard no sound but the buzzing noise inside his ears. He moved his limped hands, felling something hard and metal above his head. His eyes opened wide. It was dark and his sight was still fuzzy. He looked around and realized he was upside down. He tried to get out, but he was being tugged back, as if something's fastening him down. Eric shifted his hands towards the object pinning him down, realizing it was a belt. Eric yanked it off, as hard as he could until pain had shot through again all over his body. His eyebrows furrowed harder as he winced in pain, now spitting the blood from his mouth. The strap that was tugging him was his seatbelt. He had been breathing cramped air as he was fastened in between the steering wheel and the toppled roof.

Eric didn't understand how he ended up inside a car, as he remembered the moment before he lost consciousness - he was outside the streets walking towards the little girl until something hit him hard.

Eric looked around and recognized the familiarity. - the car, the rush and the pain - making his heart beat faster. He was now panicking. He tried to move his hands, his feet but he couldn't move.

"Come on! Wake up! Wake up!" 

A familiar voice echoed. He turned towards the voice. He squinted as two beaming lights blinded him. The voice continued calling him until screeching brakes and hissing tires drowned the voice.

Emergency Room

The emergency room doors flung open as the EMTs pushed the gurney inside the hospital ER.

"John Doe, 32, blunt force trauma to the head and chest..."

Arizona quickly turned around as she heard the EMT. Owen pushed the gurney, moving it towards the trauma room, rolling past Arizona.

"Put him in Trauma Room 2," Owen commanded, "... And page Neuro."

Arizona sighed with relief as she noticed the guy was blonde. Callie was with her, checking her patient's dislocated leg. Mark was with his patient next to Arizona's, stitching the patient's forehead.

"Arizona, look," Callie said as she pulled Arizona away from their patient, facing her, "Eric's fine, okay? He'll call soon."

"I'm calling again," Arizona muttered, pulling her phone from her pocket.

"Hearing those voice calls you left - He'll call, definitely," Mark interjected.

"I'm not–" Arizona cut him off, her voice, a bit steeper than normal. She continued, "- not talking to you."

"There's another one, incoming," The ER nurse notified the doctors.

The elevators flew. Derek went towards the moving gurney.

"Leonard Williams, 38, MVC, blunt force head trauma..."

"Pupils dilated... I need a head CT on the way. Book an OR, stat," Derek said as he pushed the gurney out of the ER.

Following the gurney, an EMT guided a confused woman inside the ER.

"Felicity Williams, 34..."

"My daughter?!" The woman frantically yelled, Arizona and Lexie assisted her.

"Hey, what's going on?" Arizona said as she moved beside the EMT.

"She said their daughter was with them, but we found no girl inside the car," the EMT answered.

Where We Might End Up - a Grey's Anatomy AUWhere stories live. Discover now