The Better Plan

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The Next Day

Meredith and Alex stepped inside the elevator, and saw Eric with a blackened right eye and a cut on his lower lip. His right hand was also tinted purple on the knuckles.

"That went well, huh?" Meredith responded. Eric growled at her.

"It's your fault," Eric growled.

Meredith turned to look at Eric, "My fau -" She scoffed.

The elevator rang. The door opened. Callie and Arizona went inside the elevator and spotted Eric.

"What happened to you?!" Callie blurted, stopping her tracks.

"Derek Shepherd happened," Alex responded, chuckling. Meredith nudged him. He stifled his laughter. Callie and Arizona moved further at the back, with Meredith in the middle of them.

Ariving at next floor, the door opened. Mark stepped inside the elevator and abruptly stopped as he noticed Eric's face. He stared at him, mouth gaped and eyebrows furrowed with concern, "What the hell?"

"Just get in!" Meredith uttered, waving at Mark to step inside the elevator.

The elevators closed as Mark kept his stare on Eric. Eric responded with a glare before looking away and staring back at the panels, exhaling deeply as he felt all eyes on him.

Mark turned and positioned opposite Eric, Meredith at the middle. As the elevator arrived at the third floor. The elevator doors opened and revealed Lexie on the other side, looking up at the panels as she stepped in. Lexie stopped just between the elevator doors as she glanced inside, realizinf Mark is there. She also noticed Eric's bruised face. Her stare went longer than realised. The doors started to close and open back in, with her on the way.

"Get in, Lexie," Meredith uttered..

Lexie moved inside, standing between Mark and Eric. - Mark and Eric, both with a bruised hand, eye and cut lip.

Callie snickered, "Well, this is a sight."

"Don't," Mark and Eric chorused.

- - - - -

Emergency Room

Trauma coming in at the pit. Owen paged Eric for a consultation. Eric looked at the patient.

"The left pupil's blown. Karick, book an OR," He said as he finished checking the patient. Steve and Karev looked at each other in confusion.

Owen looked at Eric, confused, "Uh, Keaton, we don't -- Who's..."

"I think he's talking to you," Steve said to Alex, "Karick," He laughed.

"You," Eric turned at Steve. He stopped laughing as Eric continued, "You can scrub in with Dr. Karick and I."

"It's Karev!" Alex blurted, as Eric walked away. Owen shook his head and chuckled as he followed Eric.

"Your hand good?"

Eric clutched his right hand as he clenched it into a fist and spread it open, "Yes, all good."

"Okay," Owen held onto the gurney, helping Callie and Eric push it towards the elevators, "Let's go."

"Wait!" Lexie exclaimed. Hearing her, Eric glanced behind him, seeing Lexie rushing towards him. "Dr. Keaton," Lexie called on Eric.

"Eric." Callie said, hearing Lexie. Eric ignored her.

"Dr. Keaton I -" She tried to follow them at the elevators as the group pushed the gurney inside.

Owen held the door open, "Dr. Grey, you coming in?"

Where We Might End Up - a Grey's Anatomy AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin