Haunted by a Memory

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Three Weeks Later

Charles scampered towards the counter as Arizona turned away, exhaling through her nose and massaging her forehead, her other hand on her hip. It stopped his tracks, noticing Arizona's glare. He hesitated before he proceeded towards the charts behind Arizona. He realized Jackson and Reed were right. Arizona was acting unusual.

Charles wasn't scheduled on Arizona's service that morning, but he volunteered in Reed's place after hearing her whine about it. Jackson and Reed looked at each other like Charles had just made the biggest mistake of his life. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, glancing at them. Looking at the confused Charles, Jackson informed him about Arizona's temper, which she had for weeks. Charles scoffed at the thought. Dr. Arizona Robbins was the energetic and happy attending who skated around the Ped's wing, not someone who terrorized residents out of her service. As he started the day helping her with the hospital rounds, Charles was shocked. Arizona was indistinguishable. She's cold, emotionless and furious at most times. He was scared of Arizona - Even he couldn't believe that that would happen. That same morning, he misplaced one of her patients' charts that morning, making her more infuriated at him.

"Dr. Robbins I - " Charles stuttered as he looked at the shelves for the chart, "I - It's..." He paused, "... I know it's here," He whispered. His cold sweat beaded on his forehead, rolling down his cheeks as he glanced at Arizona.

"You know what? J-just go," Arizona yelled.

"Dr. Robbins, It's here. I know I put it..."


Charles glanced at her before stepping away. Callie heard Arizona yelled as she walked along the hall. She saw Charles walked by, still looking for the chart on each cart he passed by. She went towards Arizona, who was growling under her breath, nose fuming, "What's going on?"

Arizona turned around, exhaling and pacing in frustration, "These residents," She exhaled deeply, "Idiots!"


Arizona glanced at Callie and stopped, "I need to check my patient," Arizona walked away, leaving her girlfriend.

- - - - -

5 Years Ago
Johns Hopkins Hospital

"Idiots, If you can't properly diagnose a patient, give me the kindest pleasure of shutting your damn mouths," Eric's voice echoed at the whole floor. Several residents swarmed around him as he walked across the hallway.

"Who's that?!" Arizona asked. Her eyes widened as she picked up the roaring, deep voice echoing at the hall. She turned and looked at the dark-haired man, followed by several overeager residents, walking by.

Veronica Crowley opened her mouth to answer Arizona, but upon noticing the surgeon walking by, she paused, recognizing him, "Oh," Veronica chuckled. Arizona pursed her lips, noticing Veronica's expression. She then turned to face Arizona, "It's..." She cleared her throat. Arizona shook her head and widened her eyes, waiting for her to finish, "a new neurosurgeon... I guess?" Veronica looked away.

Arizona scoffed, shaking her head, "...like this hospital needs another arrogant neurosurgeon?" Veronica laughed, looking at her with an amused smile, "What?"

"Nothing. I'm - It's..." Veronica babbled and paused. Arizona watched her with an arched brow, "He's a friend," Arizona's arched brow turned to a widened gasp. Veronica rolled her eyes and looked at the gaping Arizona, "I can hear your thoughts over here, Robbins."

"He's your friend?!"

"Yes," Veronica smiled, "And... I'm going to introduce you to him."

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