It Don't Mean a Thing

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Early Morning
Eric's Apartment

It was a chilly morning. Eric was supposed to get up an hour ago, but he chose not to, laying lazily on his bed, savouring the cold bed, pillows and the quiet. He closed his eyes as he brought the blankets further just below his chin, relaxing as he lay quietly on his bed. Eric thought of his schedule that morning, pondering if he should or should not go to work.

Surgery won't be until 11 AM, It should be okay to go there by 10 AM... 10:30... Nelson could do my rounds.

*Buzz! Buzz!* The doorbell rang. Eric ignored it, expecting it was just the papers or the mail. He waited for it to ring again, but it stopped. Eric settled back on his bed again. He then continued.

Lexie — Maybe I could ask Lexie. She can assist Nelson during rounds...

*Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!*

Eric growled, hearing the doorbell again. He continued to ignore it.

Then after, maybe we could...

*Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!*

Eric opened his eyes as he grimaced, "Fuck!" He had enough of the constant buzzing. He stood up and stomped out of his room.

Lexie was in the hall, standing beside her bedroom door, when Eric stepped out of his room.

"Who's that?" She asked, rubbing her eyes, still half-asleep.

"If this is the mail, I'm going to flip."

- - - - -

The doorbell buzzed repeatedly as he made his way towards the front door.

"Just wait a damn minute!" Eric stopped and opened the door. He narrowed his eyes, realizing it was Arizona who was terrorising his peace with the incessant noise. She was holding paper bags filled with groceries. "Should have known it was you!"

Arizona then nudged him out of the way as she stepped inside the flat. Eric closed the door and followed Arizona to the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?"

Arizona didn't answer. She set the grocery bags on the kitchen counter before taking off her scarf and jacket, storing it inside the cupboard. Arizona then went back to the kitchen. She removed the groceries from the bags. She glanced at Eric and noticed his glare.

"Well, you're in a mood."

"Why are you here?"

Eric watched her as she moved around the kitchen, waiting for her answer.

Arizona seasoned the chicken, setting it aside, ready to be cooked. She then chopped some vegetables and fruits.

"Why are you here?" Eric repeated as Arizona continued to ignore him.

Arizona then opened the fridge and stared inside for a while. She then grabbed the milk and closed the fridge. Trying to think what to cook, she stared at the counter filled with food.

"Why are you here? Why are you here? Why are you..."

"O-okay, fine!" Arizona exclaimed, "Just stop it! You are such a kid."

Eric stopped for a minute and repeated the question, "You haven't even answered my..."

"I just," she breathed in, "I thought, we could have breakfast together."

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