The Joke's On You

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Meredith stepped out of the elevator, glancing at the both Lexie and Eric. She then stopped in front of them, turning to face Eric, keeping her cold-eyed glare on him. Eric held her gaze with his own icy stare. His face impassive, but his lips formed a smirk. Lexie watched as the two kept their eyes onto each other, taking it as a weird staring contest between the two, that none wouldn't want to lose.

"W-what are you doing?" Lexie whispered to Eric, leaning closer to him. Noticing Meredith looking at her, she moved away from him.

"Lexie," Meredith said, looking at her. Lexie faced her as she added, "They need us at the pit."

"Oh, I... Okay."

Lexie stepped towards the elevator and pushed the button. The elevator rang as it opened. Lexie stepped inside and held the door as she waited for Meredith.

"Dr. Keaton." Meredith looked back at Eric and greeted before moving inside the elevator with Lexie.

"Dr. Grey."

Eric remained in front of the elevator. Lexie craned her neck, looking at him with a worried and nervous stare as the elevator doors closed between them. Eric waited a minute before he pushed the up button again. He looked through his phone while he waited for the elevator. As the elevator dinged, Eric looked at the arrow blinking above one of the elevator and stood in front as he waited for it to open. Eric put away his phone and stepped in but was stopped on the way by April, who was walking out of the same elevator, holding Derek's jacket.

"Oh, Dr. Keaton!" April greeted in her high-pitched tone.

"Fucking hell," Eric exclaimed, startled as April suddenly spoke. Clutching his phone, he stepped back and looked at April, who was beaming. He breathed in deeply before he moved his lips into a line, raising the corner of her lips slightly, "Dr. Kepner - I'm going up..." He stepped left as he tried to move inside the elevator before it closed, "...can you just..."

April blocked his way as she spoke, "I'm so glad I ran into you..."

"...I need to --" He moved to the other side but April kept on blocking him. The elevator doors had then fully closed. "No. Never mind that." He scowled, looking away.

"I was about to check if you're still in surgery."

"Evidently, I'm not," Eric whispered as he forced a smile.

"W-what's that?" April chuckled.

Eric looked back at April, "Nothing." April's smile slowly died down, looking at Eric's stony gaze. She felt nervous, fidgeting and looking away as Eric added, "What is it, again?"

"R-right." April moved her head, as she furrowed her eyebrows, trying to remember what she was saying earlier, "Chief Shepherd has a patient at the... the pit — But, he still needs to meet with the OSHA guy and the reporters for the official statement and... He wanted to ask if you could..."

"Fine, I'll take the case."

"Oh, it's uhm..." April stared at him, "Okay."

Eric proceeded towards the elevator and pressed the button again, observing April as if she would try to stop him again. Eric stepped in as the elevator opened and signaled April to walk inside.

"Fill me in with the details on the way."

"O - of course," April nervously chuckled as she rode the elevator with him.

- - - - -

Meredith was not an overprotective big sister. She needed not to be one, since she's an only child — believed in that fact for a long time. The idea of having siblings passed her thoughts before, knowing her father had another family. Meredith wouldn't want to face that fact, especially when Thatcher wasn't even a family to her. When Lexie came into her life, it had been a massive scare. She didn't know what to do or how to act. Obviously, her attitude towards the presence of one Alexandra Grey was downright cold and cruel.

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