That Side of You

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Dinner party wasn't exactly the 'party' Callie was aiming at. Considering how enthusiastic Eric was about parties and the number of people invited, it was the most appropriate party to set up. She planned on leaving the hospital at 2PM, giving her enough time to drop by the store to buy the fillets and vegetables, and buy booze for the party. She knew Eric's pantry and alcohol cabinet was empty. Eric didn't have the time to fill it since he had just left the hospital after Derek's 26 hour surgery. He's staying at the hotel and might check out late in the afternoon. She had planned everything - even told Eric not to worry - but an emergency ruined her plans, making her held on to surgery.

She was becoming anxious as she checked the clock - It was already 3PM and there were still things needed for the party. She had already sent Arizona a text on what to buy if the surgery went longer than expected. But until now, Callie had received no replies from her.

"Dr. Torres." Callie looked up at the gallery. She saw Arizona.

Arizona had been watching her from the gallery as Callie had been stressing between the surgery and the party. Arizona could see it in her face, how her mind shifted between the two, wrinkling her eyebrows closer and her sweat colder. And like a ray of sunshine, Callie felt at ease as she heard Arizona's voice from the gallery speaker, peered at her and beamed the widest smile she could.

"I received your text. Sorry, haven't texted back," Arizona paused, looking at her side before continuing, "It's - I was waiting for someone to check out of his hotel," Callie moved her gaze towards the seats where Eric was sitting, "We're going back to the apartment, now."

"Okay," Callie's voice was shaking, not with worry but with relief, "... thank you. Thank you, Dr. Robbins," She repeated.

Eric's Apartment

Arizona and Eric had just arrived from the grocery store, getting everything Callie asked them. Eric set the bags Arizona needed at the counter as she prepared. Eric then put food he also bought at the store inside the pantry and filled the liquor cabinet with liquor. He put bottles of water and beverages inside the fridge as Arizona pulled out the salmon fillets out of the grocery bag. After he's done filling the fridge, he moved back at the liquor cabinet, pulling out a bottle of gin and opened it.

Arizona watched Eric as he opened one of the sealed bottle and poured himself a drink. She stared at him. Eric looked at her, catching her gaze.

"What? - just had a thought. Seems a bit off... looking at the cabinet with sealed bottles," He narrowed his eyes at her as she shook her head in judgment, "just... I'm just gonna take a glass... pour a bit..."

"... no judging here," Arizona looked away as she checked the salmon fillet for bones.

"Yeah, I can see that," Eric studied the bottle as he put ice in the glass. He stopped, looking back and forth between the bottle and the glass. Arizona stared at him as he poured more scotch in.

"Well..." Arizona uttered. Eric glanced at her, "I think maybe? we should open the vodka, too?"
- - - - -
Callie finished the surgery, changed out of her scrubs and drove to the apartment. She looked at her watch. - It was already 5PM. Callie expected Arizona and Eric would be halfway done now with the cooking, since they had been there since 3. But of course, knowing those two whenever they're left alone, Callie had a feeling in her gut that they would be anything but done.

As she opened the door, Callie was greeted with the erratic beeping of the smoke detector and a thick smoke. She scrambled inside and saw Eric and Arizona arguing. Eric was waving the kitchen towel to put the smoke away from the detector while Arizona clasped her stomach, sitting on the floor.

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