The Better Grey

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Derek's gathered himself at the catwalk after his patient died. Mark approached him and said that he and Lexie had a relationship. But before he could add that he broke it off, Derek punched him in the face. Derek punched him again. Mark punched him back, and Derek fell. Meredith and Addison saw the commotion. Bailey and Richard saw it from his office. They went out and asked what is going on. Owen and Eric arrived and broke the fight. Owen pulled Derek. Eric restrained Mark, locking his arm on Mark's shoulder, yanking him away.

"Come on," Owen said, pulling Derek away from Mark.

Meredith caught Derek as he limped, offering her shoulder to Derek. Derek flinched as he rubbed the blood off his jaw.

Mark shrugged Eric off him and cringed as he felt the sting from his right hand, bruised, possibly broken. Callie stepped beside him and offered to look at his hand.

- - - - -

Callie looked at Mark's injured hand and his face. Lexie went there to check on him.

"OK, well, it's not broken," Callie added, "But you should ice it," setting an ice pack on his right hand, "lots and lots of ice." She continued.

"Hi," Lexie said, cautiously.

She peeked behind her and saw Lexie. "I think I should..." Mark nodded yes.

Callie walked out of the room. Lexie stepped in closer to Mark, eyebrows furrowed, noting the bruises on his face and hand.

"I'm sorry," Lexie said. She moved closer to him, Mark moved to avoid her touch.

I can't do this with you. Not anymore," Mark stated, without looking at Lexie.

"Why don't you say it to my face," Lexie blurted, "Look at me and tell me we're not happy – you're not happy with me."

Mark stood up. He exhaled deeply and looked at her blankly, "I'm not happy. You're just someone I slept with."

Lexie winced. Mark remained staring at her, deadpan. Lexie turned around, her eyes closed as she struggled not to cry. But, her tears fell as she walked out of the room.

Mark sat down and pondered if he may have made a mistake. But, if it means being the bad guy so Lexie could choose not to see him anymore, he will do it.

Three days later

Callie checked Mark's hand, hoping that he could do surgeries.

"It's still swollen," Callie said, "I'd give it another day rest."

"I haven't operated in days," Mark retorted, "You do know that?"

"Don't hit with your scalpel hand," Callie snapped back, "Have you talked to him?"

"He threw the first punch," Mark stated, as-a-matter-of-factly.

"You did catch him at a bad time,"

"So he lost a patient. Boo-hoo. We're surgeons, we're men, and we lose patients. Doesn't give him the right to go around behaving like a drunk frat boy," He's trailing, "Now I'm supposed to go crawling back, begging for his forgiveness?"

Callie saw Arizona walking at the hall. She pulled Mark in front of her, to block herself from being seen by Arizona.

"What –what are you doing?" Mark asked, as Callie hid behind him. She pulled him closer as she moved.

"Shh, shh, shh!" Callied murmured, "I went Say Anything on the ped surgeon in front of the ped surgeon's date... so l am hiding from the ped surgeon."

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