Makes Me Wonder

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Thursday morning -- The road was drenched from the early morning rain that had yet to cease. Eric arrived at the hospital parking lot as his phone rang. He looked at his phone, seeing the name, "Mark Sloan" flashing. Eric clutched his leather suitcase between his armpit and opened his umbrella as he stepped out the car. He answered his phone, as he ran under the roof of the hospital entrance.

"Sloan," Eric answered, voicing a bit of his irritation as he wiped the rain off his leather bag.

"Are you at the hospital?"

"I just arrived at the hospital, yes," He sighed, "What is it?"

"Remember what I said last night? About picking up a crib?"

"Can this wait? It's raining out. I am almost at the entrance. In fact, I'm looking at it right now."

"Sloan's coming today, Keaton."

Eric opened his bag to get his ID as he stepped inside, "I know that --But, we have a meeting with Derek in a few..."

"Wait. That's today?"

"And, I am drenched. So, not..." He breathed in, letting out the last word with his exhale, ""

"Oh, come on! It's just a little rain."

Eric massaged his temple and pressed his eyelids, "You know what, I'm going in," He stressed as Mark continued to talk, "hanging up!"

Eric rushed inside as he ended the call, not looking where he was going. Suddenly, a yelp rang as a stranger hit him on his way in.

"I'm sorry!"

It took him a few seconds to realize that the voice sounded familiar -- Too occupied in picking up his ID that fell down after their impact, and his phone, which spun a few feet away from him. It was after picking up his phone that he looked at the stranger, getting a glimpse of him or her rushing inside the taxi parked at the driveway, but not enough to see who it was. Eric rubbed his left shoulder, still feeling the mass that hit him before he continued inside.

Conference Room

As a schedule that was supposed to be that morning was postponed, Derek finally would be able to squeeze in his weekly meeting with the chiefs. He contacted them early in the morning to inform them of the meeting.

Eric changed onto his scrub uniform before going to the conference room. He stepped inside and sat at the chair opposite Callie and Arizona. He continued to align his pens, then, clipped his ID on his white jacket.

Derek entered the conference room full of surgeons, eyeing each of them as he made his way towards his seat.

"Is everyone here?"

Callie answered, "Uh, Mark -- He's not..." the door opened as Mark went in, "Oh, never mind," Callie smiled, pulling out the seat for Mark.

"Okay. Good," Derek clapped his hands together and continued, "Thank you very much for coming. I know everyone's busy so I won't keep you long," Derek paused, looking around him. The surgeons weren't exactly as enthusiastic as he was," I... uhm... prepared a little breakfast so feel free to get anything you like -- coffee, pastries..."

"Ooh, danish!" Mark voice resonated inside the enclosed room, "the last time the chief gave out danishes, we got invaded." He turned towards the chief of general who was from Mercy West and said, "No offense."

"Okay --" Derek uttered in a louder voice than Mark's resounding tone. He glared at Mark as he stood up and went towards the breakfast station. Derek sat at his chair and started the meeting. Mark walked back to his seat, holding a basket full of pastries. He passed it along to Arizona and Callie before he put the basket in front of him, eating as Derek called everyone in attendance.

Where We Might End Up - a Grey's Anatomy AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora