You Know Me

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Black clouds spread across the sky as thunder rumbled. Cold winds bellowed and swirled through the streets. Trees swayed viciously. Rain drizzled torrentially as the thunderstorm developed at Seattle. Arizona walked towards the elevator, folding her umbrella and brushing the drizzle off her jacket. She saw Eric standing at the elevators, tired, leaning at the elevator controls with his palm, head turned downward. She walked towards Eric as she rubbed both her hands together to make them warmer.

"Eric!" Arizona called him. Eric flinched at the sound of her voice. He looked at her, shoulders slumped and brows knitted together. Arizona stopped mid-stride, "Ooh..." She reacted and forced a chuckle. Eric glared at her. She smiled at him. He stood up straight as the elevator opened. He rushed inside as Arizona jerked back as she realized the elevator was open. She immediately followed Eric as the doors closed.

Arizona bopped her shoulders humming a tune. She turned towards Eric, whose brows are furrowed with irritation towards her - His shirt was unusually undone and hair, tousled. She pulled off her gloves as she pushed the floor number, "you look... spiffy."

Eric growled, "Yeah, feeling spectacular," Eric responded looking up at the floor panel. He shook his head as turned to face her, "I'm Sorry. tired... not a reason...just..." He exhaled as he stopped himself from mumbling like an idiot. Arizona, amused, smiled at him as he continued, "Where's Callie?"

"Oh, she's here..." Arizona answered as she turned and looked up at the screen, "She had a consult this morning. So, she's here... somewhere," She added, looking back at her friend and grinning.

Eric stared at her for a while and then looked away, "I'm getting tired of hotels," Eric said, as he pressed his temple.

"Are you thinking of buying an apartment?" Arizona asked Eric.

"I might," Eric muttered, "Ugh... the fire alarm went off last night."

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yes – There was no fire. Just some drunk people, being drunk" He emphasized, with overflowing fury "... we spent the night standing outside - cold and drenched - before the fire department cleared the hotel."

"Ooh - that sucks," Arizona reacted.

The both of them stepped out of the elevator. As they made their way at the attending's lounge, Callie bumped into them.

"Hey!" Callie exclaimed in a singsong. She greeted Arizona with a soft kiss, then patted Eric at the shoulder.

"Too happy!" Eric blurted out moving away.

"Oooh, cranky," Callie said. Arizona shook her head no at Callie as they continued inside.

"Hey!" Mark greeted them in a cheery tone as Arizona and Callie approached him.

"Hey!" Arizona and Callie chorused.

Eric went inside the lounge, with his hands pressed firmly on his ears, "Damn it! you. people." Eric exclaimed. He grabbed the mug inside the cabinet rushed towards the coffee maker.

Mark looked at him, as he walked by him, "You look like hell," Mark implied.

"Nice to see you, too," Eric replied as he walked towards the coffee maker, pouring himself a cup. He drank the coffee and spit it right back.

"Coffee's cold," Mark warned him late.

"Yeah, no shit," Eric stated as he threw the coffee at the sink. Eric wiped his mouth and he went outside the lounge to go to the coffee cart.

Where We Might End Up - a Grey's Anatomy AUWhere stories live. Discover now