Who Has to Know?

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Hospital Cafeteria

"I always walked in on them," Cristina blabbered like it was something one should be proud of. She leaned on the desk as she took a bite of her fries. She continued, "Callie has no personal space, and frankly... she might not even care about it - so does Robbins. I practically got used to seeing them naked."

"Can we not — I'm eating here," Alex growled as he cringed at the thought.

Meredith faced him as she said, "Oh, poor you."

"Boo-hoo, Alex. We're not gonna stop talking about sex just because you're celibate," Cristina mocked.

Alex almost choked on his spaghetti as he retaliated, "Wha — who says I'm not getting laid?"

"I think the last time you had sex was with..." Cristina paused, looking at Meredith.

"...with my sister?" Like a pang inside her mouth, Meredith spoke, sneering.

"Oh, screw her! She's acting like it was the biggest mistake of her life so, no — not gonna do that anymore."

"Looks like you already did," Cristina uttered.

Meredith and Cristina laughed, almost spitting out their food.

Cristina stared at him, almost empathizing with Alex — almost, "Well, I never thought I'd say this but," Meredith looked at her with disbelief, but laugh as Cristina finished her thought, "I can't blame her. Everyone who ever slept with you regrets it, Alex."

"Whatever," Alex snapped as he yanked his tray out of the table and stomped towards the vending machine, buying a pop.

"Hey," Cristina yelled, "I'm just joking!" She looked back at Meredith as she blurted, "not."

Meredith suppressed her giggle.

"No, you're not!" Alex shouted from the vending machine.

As Cristina looked back at Alex, her gaze concentrated on Mark, sitting with Callie at the other table.

"Speaking of..." Cristina paused, motioning her head towards Mark, "I can't help but wonder what Lexie has down there?"

"What? What do you mean?" Meredith chuckled.

"I mean, there.  — look at Sloan. He's no longer — Sloan."

"Hey!" Lexie suddenly arrived. She greeted them with delight.

"Oh, hi!" Meredith responded.

"What are we talking about?" Lexie asked.

Cristina averted her look as Meredith pointed at Lexie. Cristina shook her head as Meredith laughed. Lexie waited for their answer, but was only met with evading stares.

"They were talking about Valentines Day, Roommates and Sex," Alex answered as he walked back at the table, "In that order," Alex sighed.

The two sat down - Alex sat beside Meredith. Lexie sat with Cristina.

"I was just asking Cristina if they have schedules during valentines day," Meredith added as she gave Cristina an amusing look.

During the trio's conversation, Lexie's jolly face faded. Her lips turned into a flat straight line and her eyebrows met together, listening to them as they talk.

"Do we have schedules?" Alex pondered.

"Well... no... Derek and I don't do valentines..."

Where We Might End Up - a Grey's Anatomy AUWhere stories live. Discover now