The McHell Week: The Blue Corner...

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Three days had passed since the merger between Seattle Grace and Mercy West. The only people thrilled with the merger were Richard, Callie, and the Mercy West hospital staff. Seattle Grace personnel, specifically its surgical residents, felt threatened. Looking at the orange scrubs-wearing residents, feeling as though they are being invaded, which they were, really. The residents' competitiveness triggered. They came up with a plan. Most of the attendings were from Seattle Grace. They only need to charm or force their way into their services and get all the surgeries from the orange people. It suddenly became Blue vs. Orange, without anyone from the orange team knowing about it. Little do the blues know, the orange team also were quite competitive, and they already assumed it's going to be like a competition everyday to show they belong in the program, to keep their jobs.

Callie felt ecstatic coming back at Seattle Grace. It meant being with her girlfriend and her best friend. On the first day, she didn't understood the long faces and the frantic aura of everyone, feeling as though people from Mercy Westers were there to take their jobs. Her coming back was masked by their paranoia. Three days on, she now understood why. The hospital was overcrowded. Surgical residents were almost about to kill each other over a place inside the OR. If one were to throw a scalpel in the middle of the pack, they would certainly fight to get it. She had thought the merger a blessing, a way for her to go back, but after working for three days with these maniacal surgical residents competing for surgeries, the blessing was quickly turning into a curse. The ecstasy she felt was now coming down.

Hospital Lobby

Alex and Charles were scheduled on Callie's service. The two residents quarreled about who's going to hold the charts. - A typical day now when the residents fight over for just holding the charts. Callie slowly let out an exhale and narrowed her eyes, staring blankly away from the two residents arguing in front of her.

"I'm here first," Alex blurted out as he forcibly grab the charts off Charles' grasp.

Charles grabbed the chart and started a mini tug of war against the other resident. Callie groaned. She rolled her eyes and shook her head in annoyance as she turned towards the counter, reaching for her other charts that needed her signature.

"I'm on Dr. Torres' serivce."

"We are both on Dr. Torres' service, you idiot."

The two continued the tug o' war, grunting as they tried to overpower the other. Callie had enough as Alex accidentally hit her with his elbow.mShe slammed the chart she was holding on the counter and shouted.

"Okay. stop! Idiots, both of you. You both better shut it or no one will be on my service."

The two stop for a minute but then continued their tugging. Callie then groaned, snatched the chart off their grasped and walked away. She knew the junkie are right behind her. She then uttered.

"The first one who correctly diagnose the patient, gets to scrub in. If no one figures it out," She chuckled before her annoyed eyes narrowed. "No one gets to."

- - - - -

It was still morning, but Callie's energy for the day was already gone. The residents got more winded. And it's more annoying, more frustrating, and more exhausting. Callie sighed heavily, trying to walk faster now, keeping the two residents away from her. At least now, she's not hearing those two argue for the nth time.

Eric entered the hospital, yawning, with his overnight bag hanging over his shoulder. He hadn't been around when the merger happened, leaving the chaotic hospital to go to LA for a consult, a personal request from Addison Montgomery. Eric would have been back at Seattle on day 1 of the merger, but he stayed a couple of days more, knowing what awaited him when he went back. His phone rang on his 3rd day out - Derek Shepherd, sounding more like commanding him to go back to work.

Where We Might End Up - a Grey's Anatomy AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz