The lights in the kitchen were on, so I knew my dad had to awake, my mom never stays up past 9. 

Coal gets out and helps me get my suitcase from the trunk. 

"I'll see you tomorrow Soph," He says, kissing my forehead. 

I nod, and hesitantly walk up to the front door. 

I wait for them to pull out of the driveway, before twisting the knob, and entering the broken house. 

I hear the tv on, and a football game playing in the background. 

I don't think he heard me come in, so I tip toe my way to the stairs. 

I could've sworn I made it, until my hair was yanked, throwing me against the floor. 

"HOW DARE YOU STEP FOOT IN THIS HOUSE!?" My dad screeches over the tv. 

I flinch, inching my way to the door. I go to run, but a bottle get's thrown as my head, shattering into pieces. My vision goes in and out, seeing stars. 

I manage to stay awake, in hopes of staying alive. 

It reeks of alcohol, every inch of the house I grew up reeks of fucking alcohol.

Things will never change, he will never change. 

Every picture of Luke and I, torn from the walls there were once built up with joy. Nothing but beer bottles and chips are left in the kitchen. 

My worst nightmare has come to life, and I'm only now realizes it. As I look around the house that I used to call home, I cry. 

I'm disgusted at the betrayal I gave Luke. I promised him on the day he died that I would protect are parents from the darkness, but I could only do so much. 

I had to keep myself out of the darkness as well, but it overcame me without any warning.

NO FUCKING WARNING. I wasn't told that Luke was going to die. I wasn't warned that I was going to loose my best friend the same day I lost my brother. I wasn't warned that I was going to turn into my worst nightmare. 

Everything I worked on, everything Coal helped me feel again, was crushed as soon as I entered this hell hole. 

This house, is the devil in disguise. Every memory that was good, was replaced with the bad that started 2 years ago. 

For 2 fucking years, I let him do this too, and I can no longer stop it. 

"What is going on?" My mother says, widening her eyes at the scene we have created. 

"The little bastard came back!" My father laughs, his voice reeks of angry. 

There is no humor to his laugh, just pure amusement for what he will do to me. 

My mother doesn't utter a word, as I stare into her cold existence. 

"Please help me," I whisper softly, looking at her, as tears flood down my face, blood dripping from my head. 

I get a slight glimpse of hope when her mouth parts, but then nothing comes out.

My father's laugh fills the room. 

"Nobody is going to help you!!" He says, gripping the collar of my shirt, pulling me to my feet. 

I close my eyes, tightly. 

He punches me, "YOUR NOTHING." He punches again, "NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU." He knees me, "NOBODY!!!!" He spits into my bloody face, and drops me to the floor. 

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