181. Twoset Searchers V

Start from the beginning

"Why are you asking?"

"Oh y'know you guys always came across so prude.."


"Yeah y'know, like you guys don't even know how to crack a few jokes here and there.."

"I think Brett and I are just trying to be professional when we're at work.."

"Ooooh, so are you saying that you guys aren't like that in private?"

Eddy let out an exasperated sigh.

"Warren, it really isn't any of your business and you asking me these questions is really inappropriate. It breaches compliance."

"It's just really suss how you guys weaselled out of Friday drinks saying you had stuff on, only to be seen together in a fancy restaurant together, y'know."


"You can't cover this one up Eddy, a whole bunch of us saw you guys in the restaurant."

"I'm not covering up anything, so I was having dinner with him, is that such a big deal?"

"I just find it weird that you'd prefer each other's company like that than go out with a whole bunch of guys for a more party-like gathering."

"I guess neither of us are the party-going type."

"I mean, what would you guys even talk about?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"You guys were talking non-stop. You were constantly laughing at whatever the other was saying and just smiling all the time. You guys genuinely looked like a pair of love birds."

"Warren, we've been workmates for years and have always got along well."

"You guys looked like you were more than workmates."

"Warren, I really think this is none of your business..."

"I mean, OMG what the hell do you see in him? He's not even good looking."

Something snapped in Eddy. He cast a cold gaze at Warren.

"Excuse me Warren."


"Do you like him, too?"


"I'm asking if you like Brett, too. Is that why you can't stop talking about him to me. And about me to him. And about us in general."


"Warren, it might cause some misunderstanding if you keep doing that.. it kinda makes you look like you're jealous or something."

Warren stammered.

"W, what.. WTF don't frickin' flatter yourself."

"I'm not. I didn't say I think you're jealous of Brett, I thought you were jealous of me."

"WTF what difference does it make? You don't even make any sense. And for the record, no, I'm not jealous of Brett nor am I jealous of you, Eddy. I mean I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror if I looked like one of you guys."

Eddy shook his head as he unconsciously let out a smile. Warren looked at Eddy in disbelief.

"WTF are you smiling for!?"

"Warren, you just don't get it, do you?"

"Get what?!"

"You don't like someone because they're good looking. It's the other way around. You like someone, they appear good looking to you. And we all have different tastes and values. I will respect yours so I think you should respect Brett's and mine and leave us alone."


Eddy gave Warren a stern look.

"I'm serious Warren. This stops now or I won't hesitate to speak to HR. I'm not going to put up with this harassment anymore. It's not about whether you think it's a joke, it's about how the recipients of your antics take them. I don't find them funny. I don't think Brett does either.  So please stop, okay?"

"...You guys are such a waste of space...!!"

Warren stormed off. As he yanked open the door to the office area, he almost collided with Brett. Warren was initially taken aback, then appeared as if he was about to make another snide comment before he quickly glanced at Eddy then bit his lip. He quietly walked off into the office area, leaving Brett stunned. Brett turned towards Eddy.

"You.. you've been a while.  I.. got a bit worried. You okay?"

Eddy smiled.

"Hey goodlookin'."

Brett blushed.

"OMG Eddy that is a rather unfit comment to make at work."

Eddy let out a chuckle.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I heard what you told Warren."

You don't like someone because they're good looking. It's the other way around. You like someone, they appear good looking to you.

This time Eddy's face went crimson.

"OMG you heard it!?"

Brett smiled.

"Yeah, I liked it. And I was so impressed with what followed. Thank you, Eddy."

Eddy shrugged.

"I felt I'd had enough. So we better get the coffees and get ready before our lines open at 9am."

Brett smiled.

"Sure thing, Eddy."

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