Chapter 31.

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~"If life gives you lemons add vodka;) "

Siddharth's pov:

Well my sleep broke because of lack of warmth on my left side. Avneet was missing again. Damn sometimes I think how will I sleep once Iam out of this house. I've become quite habitual of this petite girl sleeping besides me. 

Non the less I got up and went on Avneet search party, you all might think of me as a creepy stalker . But Iam worried what if she had another nightmare or something, I don't want her to feel alone , you know.

As soon as I walked out of the bedroom I spotter her. She was sitting on a kitchen stool and spinning around. She looked cute though. But why in the world is she doing, that to past midnight. "Avneet?" I called from behind her making her jump, she was about to trip off the stool but I caught her.

"Thanks" She giggled
"What are you doing here?" I asked raising an eyebrow, she's acting weird
"I was just thirsty so..." She trailed leaving the sentence incomplete continued spinning on the stool.

That's when my eyes fell on the bottle kept on the counter. Ok it doesn't looks like some fruit juice.And definitely not smell like one. And she drank more than half of it. Gosh! she's drunk. 

How can the management make such a mistake. I groaned and turned back at Avneet- Avneet?
She was going towards the garden and I quickly followed her. 

Next she walks into a brick  wall saying "Need to go through the platform nine and three quarters" Once she'd banged her head enough I held her head from the back stopping her .
I couldn't control my laugh ,this was gold.

She then walked towards hagrid's statue  "Hagrid, how have you been" she said cheerfully hugging it. And I doubled over my laughter gosh! She is hilarious when drunk.

"okay that's enough you crazy child" I said lifting her up and she wrapped her limbs around me. 
"Hello" She whispered giggling her face resting on the dip of my neck and I chuckled.

She then wiggles a little and jump off me , falling on her back I tried to stifle my laugh failing miserably, she scrunches her nose and then got up. "Accio" She screams pointing a stick at me, where did she get that from?
"What are you doing?" I asked
" Iam summoning you  come here." Great she's a wizard now. 

"Ducklifors" She shouts wiggling her stick at me
"What?" I ask
"I just turned you into a duck" She stated proudly and I shake my head and laughed walking closer to her

"Stop, don't or i'll kill you" She said and I ignored her taking another step towards her
"Avada kedavara" She shouts and I fall on the ground closing my eyes playing along.

"Shit" I heard Avneet murmur , and felt her bend down next to me "Siddharth" she called , I love the way she says my name. Is that weird?

She puts a soft hand against my cheek and leans down "Can you hear me?"  she said playing with the neck of my shirt.
I open my eyes , and Avneet is really close to my face and her hand is still on my cheek

"You're awake" she cheered and then looked back at me

"You have such pretty eyes" she says gently
And then smile, Iam captivated. Her smile, it's like firework. When you look at it you never want to take your eyes off it cause it's just so beautiful.

Did I just think that? 

Oh my god Iam becoming one of those stupid guys from movies . please pray for me.


We are sitting near the pool, I thought it was too risky to take her back inside like this. So instead i'll wait till she's asleep. 

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