Chapter 6.

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~"people get so mad when you treat them the way they treated you"

Siddharth's pov:
Convincing Avneet was not tough ... yeah it just took a cup of coffee and boom! she was back to normal honestly she really is a kid.
Note: iam not complaining



Avneet's pov :
Today was the first task of the season, which was the nomination task. All of us had to be present in the garden area..
When we reached there we looked around and saw the set up there were paper plates kept along with some snow sprays.
We all already knew what we had to do , once Bigg Boss announces we'll have to come chance wise and take a name along with the reason that why do we want to nominate the person, and then my favorite part we have to spray in our plate making it like a pie and stamp it on the persons face.

"Rudra , the task will be starting from you" Bigg boss's voice came , i looked at where Rudra (Ravenclaw) was standing he was at the left most corner .

He came forward and sprayed his plate with the foam.
"Bigg Boss I would like to nominate Misha (Hufflepuff) as I feel she doesn't know how to do the duties assigned to her properly" He reasoned as he went and stamped the 'foam pie' on her face.
And i remember Rudra complained yesterday regarding washroom not being cleaned and it turned out that was Misha's duty and both of them had a row.

I was basically standing on the other end so it was everyone else before me, it was Tanya's turn now (Yeah! i learnt her name but still its fun to pretend as if i didn't)

"I would like to nominate Avneet" She said as she filled her plate with the 'snow'... infact she filled it quite a lot i mean i know you have a special affection towards me but still calm down girl.. the material is legit overflowing!
She was about to come towards me when Aryan said
"Oh! yeah about that..." she began
"Iam completely against biasedness, specially when it is done in a platform like this where everyone has to be treated equally no matter how big of a name you are. But it's not even a week yet and we've faced it , she getting an extra packet for her personal food item that isn't fare we all arent fools here that we are adjusting with whatever food we've been provided. " she said

"Oh come on not again!! " I heard Naira grunt

And me I was too confused this girl had a problem with my medicines seriously?! The girl surely needs a piece of mind .
Honestly iam too tired to go and explain her this she should have this much of brain.

She came towards me with her lips twitching forming a smirk as if she 'exposed' me infront of the whole house.

"Oh i was soo not expecting this from you.. " I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes faking a hurt expression.

She then pressed the plate in my face quite viciously I must add.

"Can't you be a little gentle! It's my freaking face" I said as I shoved her hand away and coughed
"Oops sorry! Maybe I didn't noticed " she sniggered

"you could have atleast let me remove my glasses "
I said as I removed my foam coated glasses and wiped them from my tshirt ... the foam would disappear after some time anyway!
Iam sure I would be resembling a panda bear by now with white face and eyed patches of my normal skin.
And it was proved when Siddharth who was standing besides me let out a small laugh ..I glared at him telling him to shut up but it didnt really helped.
Opting for the last option i had I grinned evilly and before he could react I burried my face on his tshirt moving it from left to right getting rid of all the white substance on my face.

He made a disgusted face while I smiled proudly, followed by poking my tongue out .
He rolled his eyes and looked in the other direction but I swear I heard him chuckle.

It was Naira's chance now "Tanya" she said "because I think the most important part of this game is team spirit and unity helping each other and living as a family but according to me she really lack these qualities! And in my opinion if u lack these features you can't really survive here" she completed as she went towards her with a smug smile and pressed the plate in her face for quite too long Tanya pushed her hand away harshly "what are you doing!" She hissed
"Maybe making you understand you aren't the only one who can by mistake choke the other person" she replied as she started walking away... then she turned again and said
"And guess what i have the nerve to say it on your face
I DID IT INTENTIONALLY ...and iam not at all sorry!"

She said as she flipped her hair and came back and stood at her place.
Even though her face was coated I saw Tanya's face turning red from anger and embarrassment.

While I gaped at my friend in awe ... I am so in love with the attitude Naira holds I so wish I could be so bold and sassy.

Because of that incident one thing was clear that I didn't made a mistake in choosing my friends.

The task ended and we all washed our faces and gathered in the living room.

"So according to the taks done by you all the people nominated for elimination this week are Avneet, Tanya, Misha , Aryan , Annaya , Manan and Saatvik. "

Bigg boss's voice echoed

And we all nodded wow! Great nominated on the first week itself what if iam eliminated. No no this can't happen I don't want to go back there again.

Now waiting for weekend is the only thing I can do.. it'll tell what future holds for me and my journey in this house.

Tadada that's all for the chapter I know A small one butttt .. hope you liked it ;)

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Published on May 17 2021


TALES OF THE HEART♡ || ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora