Chapter 16.

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~ "Iam as cold as ice, but in right hands  I'll melt"

Siddharth's pov:

It was getting colder outside , I glanced at Avneet who was now fast asleep on the couch, getting a little closer  I removed her glasses and hung them around the neck of my Tshirt. Having no other option I picked her up swiftly into my arms and began to walk back inside.

As I did ,I glanced down the girl in my arms. She was curled up to my chest with almost her a small smile playing in her lips, her eyes were still a little swollen from all the crying she had done Iam glad nothing happened to her though, it's quite scary what she told about her health.

I know there was a lot more to her story , and I felt like knowing everything because I want to do anything I could to ease her pain .Someone so innocent like her doesn't disserve any of this.
If it was anyone else , I never would have carried them and most likely left them on the couch not really bothered. But with Avneet I didn't.

Well Shit

Iam actually being somewhat sincere with this girl and I don't have a damn clue why that is.

The lights were already turned off, making sure I don't trip I walked inside the bedroom and gently laid her on the bed I could feel some eyes on me , huh! as if I care .

Covering her with duvet, I turned to go to my side of the bed when my foot crashed on the side table and I felt something falling near my leg.

I bent and picked up the object and my eyes widened at the realization of what that object was, maybe I can get all my answers.


DAY 29: 9:32 am

Avneet's pov:
"Please let me go!" I begged for the 10th time to Naira who was dragging me 
"No! you need to build your stamina for which you need to do some exercise." Naira reasoned as she continued to pull me while the other housemates were giving us weird look! Not that it bothers me that's what they do half of the time, anyway.

I hurriedly grabbed nearest wall in order to stop myself from being dragged away "But you know about my health , what if I get tired and all of the air is sucked out of my lungs and I ......die" I rambled making the best emotional  face I could. And her expressions changed.  Yes! mission accomplished looks like she's melting!

"oh Avneet ! " she said her voice soft as her grip on my hand began to loosen 
"I would surely have fell for  that if you didn't told me that your mother always used to force you in doing exercise , to increase your stamina" She added now smirking and i sighed
"Dang it!" i murmured 

"Now come with me peaceful or else I'll have to pick you up and take" She stated
"Pick me? You won't be able to!" I said giving a sarcastic laugh
"Oh yeah! try me" she said in a challenging tone

"No! thankyou." I said quickly and followed her sulking 

She stopped near the little gym in the garden, I can see Siddharth working out there he always does, but it's the first time I watching him. 

His muscles looked so attractive in this tank top , I was getting a proper view of all his tattoos damn! his one arms was almost entirely inked though it suited his personality pretty well . On top of that , he lightly glistened with sweat, the icing on the cake.

He looked so good.

"You are staring" Naira whispered making me snap out of my thoughts.
"I-i was-n't " I lied it was pretty obvious I was.
What? he's handsome I am pretty sure you'd do the same.
But that doesn't change the fact that he's an annoying jerk [a handsome one ;) ]

Naira just smirked and that's when Siddharth kept the weights and turned towards us.
"We'll talk about this later"  Naira mouthed and i rolled my eyes.

"Oh! you guys are here!" He said and I raised my eyebrow what does he mean?

"Ok! so you know what to do I'll leave you guys here " She said and turned
"Wait, where are you going" I asked 

"To make breakfast" She said in a duh tone!
"But you are the captain you shouldn't do any work" I stated and she just shrugged
"Doesn't matter! And Kartik will help me" She said and I smirked
"Oh! I hope you both will not just be all mushy mushy and do some actual cooking " I teased and two tiny red spots appeared on her face but she quickly covered it with an eyeroll
"Siddharth make sure she doesn't stress herself much it's not good for her." Naira instructed before leaving and he nodded.

"Ok so tell what I have to do" I said facing Siddharth and he guided me towards the treadmill and set it on a certain speed "Just run at a slow pace" He told and I nodded.


"ok I am officially tired now " I announced after what appeared like 15 mins and like the past five minutes didn't received any reply from Siddharth .
"Stop this thing" I said *no reply* jerk
"Sidddhhhhaharthhhhh" I whimpered 
"Do you ever shut up!" he said annoyed and came and stopped the machine

"No!" I replied and hopped off the treadmill and limped back inside Ah! Iam tired 

I walked inside the house Iam starving but first I need to take a shower, I hung my towel inside the empty bathroom stall and went to bring my clothes .
As I returned I saw Siddharth entering the same stall
"NO! stop I came first " I said and ran to catch him but he had already closed the door. Now I'll have to wait till he comes cause my towel is locked inside, I can hear him laughing from inside
"Better luck next time cookie monster" He said still laughing 
"Rot in hell" I screamed making him laugh harder .

Today's morning was definitely not good!


Tadada!!! another chapter for you guyss!!

Do tell how are you finding the story till now! 


Published on 20 July 2021

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Published on 20 July 2021


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