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I will always choose you.

Lucien looked at me like I was everything to him.

He didn't know I was awake, as I laid with a blanket over me on the couch in his office. He'd neglected his work long ago, his pen flat over the papers on his desk.

He didn't seem to care as he gazed at me with the type of look that made my heart ache.

The way he looks at me, contradicts everything he is, everything he does.

He looks at me like everything I have done didn't matter, and that I was the holiest thing in his life.

Oh god I never thought anyone would ever look at me the way he does.

The way he looks at me reminds me that we are more than just lovers in a story we will tell our children years from know.

He looks at me like...

We are infinite in a world of endings.

I stretched, my hand wrapped over the swolleness of my belly as he sat up at little, while crooning his head just a bit.

"Love?" He whispered to me, as he pushed back his chair. The way he said that name to me made it more then just letters and a word.

I opened my eyes fully, the light dancing on my skin now.

I stretched again today this time like a sexy little cat, before letting the blanket slide off as I came to sit on my knees.

I was wearing nothing, and he smiled.

He smiled and he stood, making his way over to me he extended his hand to me. "Your beauty is never fading flower."he cooed as I stood before him.

"I am 69 month pregnant," I laughed, as he pulled me closer so my round stomach touched his.

"6 months, 2 week and 3 days pregnant With our child. You my love, are the mother of my child."

"Mhm." I said with a yawn, as I wiped the tiredness off my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You will always be beautiful to me." He whispered, bending down to kiss my brow, his hand smoothing over the side of my belly, his finger brushing the skin so delicately despite everything that we were,

"You seem tired, rest more." He said, looking down into my eyes like I was his soul purpose.

"I've rested enough." I whispered, as the sun setting echoed through the room in colours that you only see in the most beautiful of paintings.

He studied me, for a moment before taking off his blazer and wrapping it around my shoulders, buttoning it up.

"Come." He told me, wrapping his hand around my waist and guiding me through the door and down the hall.

He held me close, my own arm managing to snake around his clothed body. "I'm okay, truly." I smiled, as he walked us down the hall and past all the rooms and doors.

Tightening his grip at every noice or creak he heard.

He didn't like me being here, at the base, but couldn't refuse when I'd asked to join him here today.

"I know you are." He said, as he walked us to our room and opened the door, guiding me inside before closing and locking it.

He guided me to the bed, and with both hands he helped me lower myself to sit the mattress. Despite how I argued that I was perfectly capable doing it myself.

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