The number one hashtag was naturally "#TTC won the championship#". In that topic, the Weibo post that had the most interactions was—[Little Children Of TTC Eat And Drink Well: Congratulations to TTC for winning MSI, the little children have truly been under too much pressure lately.]

[It's true, you can check their match history and search up their recent Korean server rankings. Nothing comes up in the afternoon or evening, which means that's evidently when TTC has practice matches. The scores start up again around nine PM, and each person's record lasts for at least five hours every night.]

[The one who practices for five hours is Road, since he has a hand injury. Adding on the time from the practice matches... five hours is definitely exceeding his quota. The others practice for even longer.]

[Qian-ge braved the danger of losing his wife and abandoned our sister-in-law to solo queue by himself until late at night. Pine stopped playing Lulu ADC, and Xiao Bai also stopped playing non-support champions.]

[...if you're gonna put it that way, then that dumbass son of mine... spent each day as if it were a decade.]

[Indeed. Before, he killed people on the Chinese server. Later, he went to kill people on the Korean server. After he was done with that, he still wasn't satisfied, and he went to solo against the other LPL mid laners like he was scheduling a fight with them... an intrinsically heartless murderer.]

[They really gave it their all, my heart aches for the members T-T they can finally rest well tonight~~]


Right as the hashtag #Heart aching for TTC# started slowly climbing up the hot search, an official stream notification suddenly popped up on everyone's Weibo homepage—

[TTC ་ Bye: I'm going live on StarTV in Room #1188 under the category "Leisure – Outdoor Entertainment." Come and watch me ^^!]

The fans, who were in the middle of furiously spamming their concern: "?"

Going live?


Outdoor entertainment???

Confused, the fans clicked on the provided link. The moment they joined the stream, they were met with Xiao Bai's face.

He was clearly drunk, as both his cheeks and eyes were red. It was quite rowdy around him, and so loud that it could instantly drive headphone users mad.

Xiao Bai stared fixedly at the camera. "Is it okay? Can you all see me or not... hic. Friends who can see me, type out 18341331373..."


[Do you want to be beaten up?]

"So you can't see me? Well, whatever, you guys can just listen." Xiao Bai flipped the camera and showed the viewers his current surroundings.

They saw an exquisitely decorated banquet hall, along with Ding-ge, Pine, Yuan Qian and his wife, and numerous TTC staff members.

Of course, the most conspicuous part was still the piles of empty alcohol bottles and tables covered in gifts.

Judging from the packaging, there were laptops, phones, iPads... and all sorts of other prizes.

"Yeah, we flew back to Shanghai earlier tonight." Xiao Bai did his best to read the comments flying across the screen. "Why were we in such a rush... because we didn't really have anything to do in Korea either, so naturally we wanted to get back as soon as we could.

"Right now, we're in the middle of our celebratory banquet! Look at these gifts. Apparently, just in terms of presents tonight, our boss prepared this much..." Xiao Bai made a three with his fingers in front of the camera and said haltingly, "Oh yeah, Boss also bought each of us a car, hahahahahaha this is my first car ever! I bet you guys don't have one hahahahaha!! And these are only the gifts from winning the spring season... ah, I'm so jealous of myself."

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