Chapter 57

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Nancy's P.O.V

Can someone please tell Braden and Tory to stop making my already suffocating life less suffocating by reducing the way they banter about me?

I'm sick and tired of seeing them argue or eye each other; or yell at each other on who I need more.

It's enough torture already having to pretend I'm under the medication I was prescribed, now they just have to add their problem?


It's been two days since Tory and I talked about the drugs I'm taking and how it's affecting me -- well I did the talking, he did the unbelieving. Honestly, I'm tired. I know acting is my profession and I'm great at it, but this is reality! It's sickening how my life has become what it is.

I'm going to try to talk to Nina today. Tory clearly didn't believe me. I don't think I can convince him just yet. His walls are unnecessarily high. I'll pass through Nina and see how her response goes.

Samuel came by the other day; as well as yesterday. He's been bringing gift to help me 'feel better'. I don't know why, but my trust for him has dropped. I probably shouldn't think that way about him. It's possible the doctor he brought didn't know his job (which I highly doubt) or was sent by the people who has been tormenting my life since Cassius's disappearance; then his death.

I still can't believe he's gone.

It hurts. I'm not going to lie. Cassius's death hurts, but it's not what these people are thinking. His death didn't make me loose screws in my head. I'm still the same.

Another thing that makes my trust for Samuel reduce is the fact that at some point, he disappeared and all of a sudden, he's back; even more present at this time. Then again, I probably shouldn't think that way because I started driving myself to places and didn't need the help of Adam nor him, but he completely disappeared! At least Adam still came around from time to time.

Samuel is now on my untrusted list. I'll keep a close eye on him.

I also noticed other people have been visiting. People like Abby, Enoch and Daniella. I don't know if they were able to come the first days I was drugged. Maybe they did, but because I was asleep, I didn't know. Abby made jokes here and there, almost making me blow my cover by making me laugh, but thankfully, I remained calm. I still saw the glint of sadness in her eyes as she stared at me. It made me sad.

The way everyone looks at me makes me sad.

Daniella too tried her best by staying with me for hours. I pretended to be asleep -- as if the drugs were working in my system. I don't know who to trust. I don't know who will believe me. If Nina doesn't, I don't know who next I'll try to tell. I honestly don't.

"She's clearly asleep now, so you can go get whatever it is you wanted. Why are you asking me to scoot?!" I hear Tory yell, hissing.

"Well, you never know when she'll wake up. It can be in three hour's time, so just go help me get snacks from the cabinet in the kitchen downstairs. It's not as if I'm sending you to another country!" Braden retorts.

"If it's not that far, go get it yourself, bro."

"I don't even understand why Nancy prefers you doing things for her... Who did you say you are to her again?"

Braden's acting like a child. Come on!

"You've asked me that countless number of times. I'm tired of telling you it's not your business. Just leave me alone. It's my priority to take care of her." Tory defends.

"You're treating her like an object. She's human for Christ sake! I don't get why she's acting the way she is, but that doesn't mean she has become a sick patient to be treated forever!"

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