Chapter 29

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Nina's P.O.V

It's finally here.

The day I have been waiting for.

The day where I get to expose the right information to those desperate creeps that will die, just for juicy information!

... The day where I speak about Henry. Yup! Today is Tuesday. I can't wait to mock my haters. After days of receiving insults from the internet (by stupid, heartless people), I'm finally going to speak out! I can't wait to see the look of shame on their profiles!

Oh, how much I love revenge...

I'm already driving to the studio. It's an hour drive from my home. Thankfully, I got up by 6:30am this morning cause the show is meant to start by 8am. There should still be vacant time to freshen up even before the arranged time!

The advertisement for the show (my meet up with Micarah) displayed late last night on her channel and various streams on the internet. Some other broadcasting stations also decided to take up the advert to their own channel - probably for more views and money... Or Micarah actually paid them to get the adverts spread evenly, so that people can be aware of it and view her show this morning.

The entertainment industry... You never really understand fully how they do their things. They have so many ways.

Take the statement from someone who has been in it for five years.

I have to say... Even though the advertisement came late, a lot of people didn't waste time to start pinging their laptops and phones. Some made fun of me (again), while some just shared the post. It spread like wild fire and now I'm one of the internet's top gossip.

I love that.

I don't freaking care if they are misusing my name... They are actually helping me get more famous! That's what these dimwits don't understand!

The more gossip about me, the more fame I have!

"This is it..." I whisper to myself when I pull up at the driveway of the studio.

I'm in the driver's seat of my car - breathing in heavily, cause there are tons of people out there with cameras and microphones.

I know I like attention, but sometimes you just gotta give me a break! Couldn't they just chill? It's past 7am!

I turn off the engine of my red Ferrari, looking through my rearview mirror at Mario and Victor - my bodyguards.

Yes. They were right behind me the whole time. Victor takes the place of my driver sometimes. Today, I turned down his offer to drive me. I wanted to do it myself.

Mario is black skinned. He's huge, but not with muscles. He's just an average, trained bodyguard.

Victor on the other hand is fair in complexion. He's average height and has an adequate amount of muscle for his size. He's not too manly, not too boyish.

If you understand what I mean...

Mario suggested taking another car of mine for them to stay, but again, I refused. I want them in the same space with me.. for safety reasons.

You never know what crazy fans and journalists can do.

"Well, Ma'am? Are you ready?" Victor asks casually.

I take a deep breath, quickly putting my savage face, on. "I was born ready."

They both exit the car, giving the cameras serious faces.

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