Chapter 5

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Nancy's P.O.V

I just arrived on set now.

Its weird though. Still can't believe this is happening.

I'm going to be acting without Cassius around. He has always been with me, and if he's not, he doesn't really ever go far.

I scan my eyes round the room for Cassius's son - of which I have no idea what he looks like. I don't notice any new face, so I just head straight to the dress room.

Last Friday, I had little time to run through the screenplay I was given, after the argument with Nina. She still hasn't called me, and I won't call her. It's not like I'm being selfish or the bad sister, but I want her to realize how stupid it was for us to argue over her annoying boyfriend that's clearly going to dupe her sooner or later.

I'll just wait for it to happen.

When I get into the room, Abigail -  the make up artist, is already there; sitting on the expensive cushion, filling her nails and humming something to herself.

"Hey Abigail". I greet her casually.

She jolts at my voice.

It happens all the time. I knew she'd never miss a chance of not making it happen.

I roll my eyes at her.

"Nancy! Don't scare me like that! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" She places her small hand on the left part of her chest.

I smile sarcastically. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry for greeting you. I promise I won't ever do that." I roll my eyes again.

"Stop it, Nancy. I'm serious... There's this new guy that came around today. He's been acting weirdly. He keeps spooking in and out. He's hot though. He's got six packs and great muscles that can make a girl's heart melt in want." She looks up, as though daydreaming.

"Abigail! What is wrong with you? I've never in my four years of work with you, heard you say such things. Are you sure you don't want me to call a doctor? I will and what ever the bill, I'll pay." I offer playfully. " do you even know he has six packs? Did you walk in on him naked or what?"

I don't get how girls are able to feel things for the opposite sex.

Maybe I would have felt the same if not for Travis.

Non the less, I don't regret it. I am proud of myself for being single. After all, I'm only 20.

"Ha ha. Very funny. First time in centuries you made a joke." She dead pans. "...and I saw his packs when he unconsciously raised his shirt."

"Anyways... Describe this new guy you're talking about. " I ignore her statement.

"Oh, yes. It's this tall, handsome, beautiful..." She trails off, staring at the ceiling again.

Beautiful? Seriously...

Who uses beautiful to describe a guy?

"Yes! I know Abby, I know. You said he's handsome and all that stuff. Who is he?" I try to get information.

She shakes her head, like she just came back to her senses. "Oh yes. They say he's one of the new directors. He's really rude and unfriendly, even with his physical demeanor. It's contradictory, really."

One of the new directors? That sounds like Cassius's son to me, but  rude and unfriendly? I don't like those qualities in a human, much less a guy.

A guy I'm going to be working for/with.

"Anyways... Hope you're ready, cause you're about to go live for the world,  baby!" She shrieks.

I don't get to reply because she interrupts. "Who am I kidding? You have to be ready... If not, you'll be cancelled." she jokes.

I don't think I like that joke.


Ten minutes later, she gave me my outfit - which was a simple red top and a black pencil skirt that stopped just beneath my knee. Then, she dressed my face and hair.

I'm out of the dress room now though. I'm on the couch, browsing through Instagram, waiting for Damien to arrive, so that we can act the next scene of MY SECOND.

I feel a figure sit beside me and I can't help but pause what I'm doing on my phone.

I turn my head to the direction of who ever it is, and I see a light-skinned, handsome guy, in a blue shirt and black jeans, topped with a givenchy sneaker. He looks slick and simple, but hot and handsome all at once.

Is that even possible?!

"Hey! You must be the famous Nancy. Nice finally meeting the little bug my dad always talks about." He smirks.

What a way to greet someone you just met. Little bug? I mean, of all the names in this world, he chose LITTLE BUG!?

"Hi. Yes, Nancy Rutherford. You must be Cassius's son, whose name is...?" I ask, waiting for him to introduce himself by name, totally ignoring what he just called me.

He smiles, making his dimple show evidently.

I'm going to ask Cassius what he fed this boy when he was in his mother's womb. He's so handsome.

"My name is Braden. Braden Scott." He stretches his hand to me for a handshake - which I give him, but hesitantly.

Scott? Is he a mixed race like me too? Scott is not a typical Nigerian surname...

"So! I see you're all dressed. I'm sure you already have the screenplay with you?" He asks.

"Yes. I do. " I reply.

"I am going to be taking the place of my Father here. You'll have to obey every direction I give you - as the director I am. " He states, like he's in a business meeting.

I don't like this.

"Got that...but Cassius was my manager though, not my director. Point of order." I correct him.

He only laughs. He laugh so hard, I think he's going to need an ambulance.

"W-h-h-a-aa?" He laughs. "You are so funny, Nancy. You know that, right?!"

"Why are you laughing? I said the truth. What's funny?" I'm confused.

"Cassius isn't your manager! He's a director. Oh my God... What else has Cassius brain washed you about?! " He laughs.

What is he talking about? Cassius told me, he's my manager. Why is Braden saying he's just a director?

"Let me ask you something, little bug... Does Cassius say 'action' and 'cut'? " He questions.

"Yes." I agree

"I pity you. I really am feeling your pain. Anyways, welcome to the real deal, little bug. Welcome to the world. My dad isn't going to be here with you till next month. From now till then, you're going to learn a lot." He chuckles under his breath.

"What?" My head is still in the cloud about all he just said .

"Get yourself ready, Nancy. The next scene; which you must already know; is about your break up with Damien and getting introduced to your second, which is basically one of the main character. I kinda like this story line. See ya in five. Be ready"

...and he walks away.

Why is he so hard to understand?

How can Cassius be a director? I thought he was my manager. I'm confused here.


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The Rutherford Twins {Book One}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora