Chapter 2

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Nancy's P.O.V

" I would like a loaf of bread with chicken Sauce on it and a glass of your finest wine. Thank you very much. " I smile at the waiter, who is on his usual tuxedo, looking smooth as always.

I know, I know... Many of you
will be like 'what did she just order? ' Loaf of bread with Chicken Sauce on top!?  Well truth is, when you have money, you never really know what to eat... Or to do with it in general..

Maybe I'm still the one with the economical issue.

I'll need to make enquiry from other rich people.

"Okay ma'am. " Mr. Tory nods with a small smile as he leaves my table.

Tory looks like a young guy that's about 26 . He's not so tall, neither is he short. He's just average. He's a little dark skinned. He has black hair that he cut really low, which makes him look simple. He doesn't have much muscle, but he isn't skinny either.

He's such a nice guy. Anytime I come to this 5 star restaurant, he's the only waiter that attends to me with so much joy and happiness. He engages in interesting conversations sometimes and I can't help to wonder if they pay him well. I'm sure he's the reason why most customers still patronize this place, other than the fact that this is the most expensive restaurant in Town.


The cheapest meal here costs 40,000 Naira. The worst thing is that after eating it, you'd still be hungry... Cause it's so small in quantity, but great in quality...

Isn't life just wonderful? Some days you're stressed, some...tired, some...happy and others, just meh?

Today is Sunday, by the way. Cassius called me earlier to remind me that I have to be ready for tomorrow's shoot. He said I should be ready to ' add life ' to my acting or else I might be cancelled from the movie. He explained how they are on his neck to make me act well. He told me he doesn't want that for me so I should try to act as best as I could...

Story... Let tomorrow come first.

Well, I decided to take myself out today.  I am wearing a blue designer's gown, with a slit on my left leg, stopping directly at my thigh. I didn't put much effort on my make up. I just used a mascara, eye liner and lip gloss to sharpen up a little. I also wore a small gold earring that Nina bought me last year.

Speaking of Nina...

I still haven't heard from her since the day before yesterday, we had the argument. I've been playing our conversation in my head, over and over again, since then.

You know the worst part?

She didn't even call me .

I am worried, but I know she's fine. She posted on her Instagram this morning, tagging that Henry idiot -  saying they're having fun at the beach. Then she put the  ' ❤️ ' emoji.


The beach was our thing, before he came along and spoilt our 'sistership'. It's frustrating.

I sound so jealous now and it's stupid...

What is happening to me recently?

Oh, I think I know why I'm like this now...

I'm expecting my period...

Did you know science said that someone's period can affect a lot of things? The hormones and all those stuff... I didn't really complete my school so, don't blame me.

Not my fault. After mum and dad died, I lost interest.

What's more, is the fact that Nina isn't seeing the fact that the idiot is stealing her money! Have I mentioned that?

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