Chapter 49

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Nancy's P.O.V

Well, so far so good, I'm alive.

I received yet another call from that unknown number.


The first call was similar to the very first time he/she called me when I was in front of Eat and Breathe; silent. I could only hear breathing the first few seconds. Then after, was someone yelling something I couldn't quite hear completely. What I heard before the line went dead was "Nan-"

Any normal person; intelligent or not, will know the person was going to yell 'Nancy'.

It was a male voice. It was thick, tired and groggy. It's like the person hadn't eaten or drank water for days.

I decided not to stress too much about it, remembering my New Year's resolution, even though I know I should. But when I gave it a third thought, why should I stress about it? I can't do anything about it, right? That's what I told myself, until another call came four days later.

This time, I spoke up first. I asked who they were and what they wanted. No response. I got no response! Only the same breathing. I felt rage in me. Who and why was the person calling only to start a breathing competition with me? Did I tell the person that I needed a challenge?

I yelled again, asking who the person was. What I got as a response wasn't what I was expecting;

"You'll find out soon."

It's not a voice I can't figure out, because he used a voice enhancer.

After saying those words, he/she hung up, leaving me to think about my life...


I tried so hard not to think about the dangers around me. I was almost succeeding. I left every threat, death and every other negativity, only for it to come back harder.

I didn't receive another note; thankfully. But the call alone was greater than the note.

A lot has happened this last week.

Other than the phone call, that is.

Take for example, I started working with Tony, my new manager. I managed to get three roles in three different films. We've started getting to know each other (few crew members and few actors that have successfully made it through the audition). We haven't necessarily started the main acting yet. Thankfully, Tony said casting directors were searching for a great actress, he suggested me and according to them, my audition in all three was outstanding.

But that's the least of my worries.

I tried not to think too much about the new feeling and environment (being without Cassius), but no matter what I did, it naturally still felt different. Know what I mean? It's like trying to forget you have to eat, but the tapeworms in your system are constantly reminding you they're looking for something to feed on.

How in anyone's normal sense, can they tell me they'll still easily forget they have to eat? It makes no sense to do so!

That's what I've been going through; but nevertheless, I'm coping.

Two out of the three films is action/adventure. While the other is romance/action. Of course I had no say in it. There was no one to oppose in the first place. It's my new reality. A reality I have to live with.


In the romance/action movie, I'll be acting as a villain - which is actually a relief from My Second, because there I was acting as the protagonist; the main lead; but here, I'm acting the opposite. I'm not exactly the main lead; I'm a minor one. Still important, but not the main character. More like a flat character.

The Rutherford Twins {Book One}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin