Chapter 52

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Nancy's P.O.V

"It's quite a surprise you wanted to speak with me so urgently. What happened? You sounded off over the phone." I ask Nina, who just arrived at my house about ten minutes ago. It's past eight pm. I got home forty five minutes ago. I have been on set since seven am. The film we're focused on is the one I'm playing Johanna Collins. It's a lot more complicated because there are a lot of things that need to fit. We haven't yet started acting, but a lot of things are happening and my presence is needed. The producers and directors want perfection.

As said, Nina has been acting weird since she arrived. Usually, she would have blurted out what was bothering her the moment she barged through my door, but she's just quiet, staring into space as if thinking about a particular thing; meditating on a particular thing.

"Nina?" I call her attention, noticing she barely heard any thing I said.

"Huh?" She snaps her attention back to Earth. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was uh... I was absent minded."


She sighs. "I got a..." She hesitates, looking at me with a pressed lip. "I got a call from Travis two days ago."

Oh wow. I definitely wasn't expecting that. "What did the idiot say?"

She shakes her head. "That's the thing. I don't even know."

I frown. "What do you mean you don't know. He called you, said something that has you worried and you're telling me you don't know? I'm kind of lost."

"Well, he teased rudely about my breakup with Henry, I remember that... But then, before he ended the call, he said something about us seeing each other soon or something." She shakes her head, as if ridding the memory. "I don't know... The call is suspicious; especially now that we're both going through what we are going through."

I shrug my lips, honestly not wanting to dwell any further on his topic. The idiot annoys me. "Yeah."

Speaking of ex boyfriends... Or boyfriend matter in general, Braden sent me a text last night. It read: "I'll be waiting." It was a simple text. Just three words, but honestly, it made me a little upset. Braden's persistence is going to fail. I'm not interested, even though I at one point had feelings for him. I still do; but I can't just run into his arms. Things aren't done that way. If anything, for Rebecca's sake. His wanting to run into another relationship after a break up is cruel to me. Like, did he even like Rebecca all this while he was with her? Was he always thinking of me?

If I were Rebecca, I'd be sad, heartbroken, furious even. I don't want any of those negative feelings when he leaves me for another woman later on. I just can't...

I didn't reply his message. I don't even know what to say. I believe I said all that needed to be said yesterday. He should think about what I said, not me thinking about what he said.

"Hey, why don't we give a try to telling the police about what's happening to us? You never know... There could be one person that's willing to fight for justice. Not everyone is corrupt. Not everyone wants dirty money." Nina suggests.

I have to angle my head a little backwards to gaze surprisedly at her. "Oh wow... Since when did you turn positive; especially about this situation? I thought you used to blame me or God for everything you're going through."

She rolls her eyes. "Quit the sarcasm, Nancy..."

"I'm being serious, Nina. I'm not being sarcastic. Answer the question." I was being half serious, half sarcastic. Don't judge.


"How was your day? Done with recording the song you wanted to?" I angle the subject elsewhere.

The Rutherford Twins {Book One}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang