Chapter 18

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A/N : Today's shout-out goes to (Drums rolling)


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Nancy's P.O.V


What could be Braden's reason for acting so cold towards me? At least he should have waited a little, so that I can tell him why I declined and deleted Rebecca's call. I did it for a selfish reason - yes, I know... But, I would've been a lot better, if he'd offered a listening ear - even if that would gain another round of malice from him.

At least I'd know why...

"Hey!!!" Someone shrieks behind me.

I stop my thoughts from proceeding any further, as I turn my attention to Abby - who is smiling like she won a lottery.

"Hi." I reply flatly.

Her chirpy expression suddenly turns to a flat look. "What's wrong? You look...worried."

She's very observant, isn't she?

I sigh. "Braden has been avoiding me since Monday."

Her eyes go wide. "How is that possible?! You guys have been acting perfectly well together. What do you mean?"

I nod. "That's the thing. Braden is a great actor, so I didn't expect you to have noticed anything. Can we go somewhere more private?" I ask her, eyeing our surrounding.

There are people around, clearing the place we just finished acting and I know for a fact they love gossip.

She nods. "I'm actually closed for today and I'm exhausted. I wanted to just go home and calm down. Oh! Would you like to come to my mystery home?" She jokes, wriggling her eyebrows at the word 'mystery'.

I've never been to Abby's house before. Maybe cause I've never really had the time to gossip or share anything personal with her. Everything we ever did started and ended on set - except for that one time where my house was used to act a film and she did my make-up there.

Technically, it still wasn't her own house. It was mine.

I chuckle. "Sure. Did you drive here? I mean, I could call my driver if you didn't..."

She gasps, placing her fragile hand on her chest as though I've insulted her. "Why wouldn't I have a car?! Are you trying to insult me, Nancy?"

I go to answer but she laughs out loud.

I was actually going to give her a come back statement - which I would've thought about...

"I was joking! Jesus, you should've seen your face!" She laughs harder.

After seeing Abby's house, I will go to Mr Thompson's office.

I have to. I must.

"Okay then. Let's go."


Few minutes later, we were already at her house.

Let me just say that she has a new Lamburghini! To be honest, I was shocked when I saw it. I never imagined Abby having such an expensive car.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not calling her poor, I'm just surprised...

I've got to say, her house really isn't what I expected. It's a big house. The compound is wide and filled with different green plants and flowers, ranging from small to big. It also has different, beautiful colours.

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