Part 45. Perverse Instantiation Part II

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Abby woke up screaming after we'd used the EMP on her instead. Clarke held her tightly and I sat next to her.

"Mom, can you hear me, I know you're in there. Come back to me, I need you." Clarke said as she held back tears.

When Abby opened her eyes Clarke let out a small laugh.



"You're ok. You're ok. Here." Clarke told her as she helped Abby get up.

Abby looked at Clarke, after a few seconds she broke into tears, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"It's ok, it's ok." Clarke assured her as she held her tightly.

"Hey stop, it wasn't you." Clarke explained, "It wasn't you."

"Mom, I need your help." Clarke said. I didn't exactly know what for.

Bellamy burst into the room with Pike and Murphy behind him and aimed a gun at Abby.

"Hey! No it's ok, I used the EMP, she's back." Clarke quickly explained.

"Well what about Ontari? I thought you said we only had one shot with that thing." Murphy asked.

"I told you, Ontari's no longer an option for the flame. She's brain dead. Is the floor secure?" Clarke  asks as she stood up.

"For now. Jaha and the guards are tied up in a bedroom." Bellamy answered.

"We took out the elevator and the ladder as we climbed. The stairs are collapsed no ones following us." Pike added. I hated to see him, all I wanted to do with him is be the reason he's dead.

"Good. Then we have time." Clarke agreed.

"What we don't have is a way down." Murphy said.

"Time for what?" Bellamy asked.

"An ascension ceremony." As Clarke spoke I immediately looked at her, an ascension ceremony could only be performed with a night blood.

"Ascension? You just said Ontari wasn't an option, and from what I've seen Bela isn't either." Murphy reasoned.

"We're not putting the flame in Ontaris head. We're putting it in mine."  Clarke explained.

"Clarke, that thing killed Emerson in seconds, liquified his brain." Bellamy argued.

"Emerson wasn't connected to a night blood." Clarke defended.

"Transfusion?" Pike asked.

"Not exactly."

"Connected like Mount Weather." Abby realized.

I looked at Clarke and she was decided to do this. We didn't know what effects this could have, it could kill her.

"Yes, everything we need is in your med kit." Clarke spoke.

"No. It's too dangerous, and there are too many variables." Abby complained.

"But no options." Clarke challenged.

"Whatever you're doing, you better do it fast." Octavia said as she walked into the room.

"Why? What's happening?" I asked as I walked over to her.

"They're climbing." Octavia told us.

I quickly ran over to the balcony and looked down in the city if polis. She's right, people were preparing ladders to get up the tower.

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