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Hi, this is the end of Behind His Smiles. Thank you for reading until the end of my story. I admit, loopholes are scattered in my story. So, I'm here to announce that...

A revised version of this raw story will be published soon. It will take some time... or even years since I'm going to start on working on my other stories after this.

Again, thank you very much.

Pronounciation of the characters' names.

Benedict Patrick Navacilla
// be - ne - dik //
// pa - trik //
// na - va - chil - ya //

Cassiana Faye Gomez
// cash - ya - na //
// fey //
// go - mez //

Renoah Cortez
// re - no - wa //
// cor - tez //

Teirra Danelo Navacilla
// tay - ra //
// dey - ne - lo //
// na - va - chil - ya //

Devant Ruel Navacilla
// de - vant //
// ru - wel //
// na - va - chil - ya //

Lyandrei Santos
// li - yan - drey //
// san - tos //

Mark Yvan Bautista
// mark //
// ee - van //
// baw - tis - ta //

Aristotle Deogracia
// a - ris - to - tel //
// de - yo - gra - sha //

Klent Ford Villaflor
// klent //
// ford //
// vil - ya - flor //

Servi Kiel Contis
// ser - vi //
// ki - yel //
// kon - tis //

Zeyesha Linza
// zey - yesh - sha //
// lin - za //

Lucy Rein Galvez
// lu - si //
// reyn //
// gal - vez //

Pia Samantha Alonzo
// pi - ya //
// sa - man - ta //
// a - lon - zo //

Einoah Cortez
// i - no - wa //
// kor - tez //

Kerna Louisse Patrio
// ker - na //
// lu - weys //
// pat - tri - yo //

Dean Kiann Salvador
// din //
// ki - yan //
// sal - va - dor //

Dean Kiann Salvador// din //// ki - yan //// sal - va - dor //

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Behind His Smiles (Flawed Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now