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Maryam's pov
It was finally Monday and it was the day I was meeting barr Zayn well, I only know his name and not his surname. I went to the office early to finish some work before Zayn arrives and khair was sick and so, I couldn't leave her at home with her nanny and so, I brought her with me to the office. I have been feeling nervous today feeling as if something was going to happen but then, I shrugged it off and continued with my work.
     I heard a knock on my door and I muttered a small come in thinking it was my secretary and so, I didn't raise my head and continued with my work. I heard someone come in but didn't talk and so, I raised my head to see who it was and then "BOOM"I saw the person I never expected to see and to say I was shocked is an understatement. It was Zayn, my Zayn, my husband, and when our eyes met, I couldn't take my eyes off him.

Zayn's pov
I saw Maryam, my baby, my first love, my wife, all I wanted to do at that moment was to hug the life out of her but who was I kidding!I was very angry with her and nothing she would say can make me forgive her for what she did and so, I cleared my throat and said excuse me miss😳do you perhaps know where barr fadeelarh's office is? I saw a look of hurt in her eyes but she quickly tamed it and said yes I'm barr fadeelarh and may I know who you're and what you want? I was surprised, when did Maryam become fadeelarh but I shrugged it off and said well, I am barr Zayn and I have an appointment with you, she said you can have a seat and I must say, she's not the old Maryam I Know because this woman in front of me is a fierce lady and also an iron lady and the look in her eyes proved that to me.

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