Me💁🏻‍♀️You 🙆🏻‍♂️and Maths 🧮🙄

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Ragini's POV:

I kept scratching my head and tried to understand why the hell is my ledger not tallying!!!

Urghhhh!!! Looks like this maths is never gonna leave my back. It has become like that 'Betaal' that has climbed my back and it's never ready to leave me!!!

'Raginiiiii...stoppp that's don't eat muesli soaked in tea' Natalie stopped me and I lifted my head up in confusion and noticed instead of pouring the milk into my bowl I was about to pour tea.

'Ummm sorry' I muttered a small one and Natalie kept hand on her waist saying...

'Look kidding with food...if those books in your hand is your business this is my when you are eating...I demand your concentration here... fine I understand you have your exams two weeks from now and looks like you have great love for some of your subjects because I see you wrestling with them...I understand you working hard but you should eat well sweetheart... What will I answer Siddhesh if you fall ill once he comes back from Paris '

To which I put out my lower lip making a puppy face and said...
'Not any other subject's Maths...It has become that ghost of my life which appears in different can escape from anything but this...when I thought I have got rid of maths...see it's back in the form of accountancy. I haaaaaate accounts...why on earth doesn't these ledgers tally. I wanna bang my head into a wall...I am not able to understand how the hell will I clear my add on that stupid Siddhu is also not here' I groaned in frustration making an angry pout.

'Well ...if you have a little patience and a little less hatred for maths I think your ledger would tally' I heard his voice and I turned around and saw Siddhu standing at the door with his luggage.

Natalie ran to him and hugged him.
'Oh my were supposed to come back next week right' she said hugging him...

'Yes that was the plan Nat but the investors signed the deal early as they were very happy with our proposal...This one's the biggest we ever cracked and we shall have a grand party tonight' he said and his eyes fell on me as he passed a sweet smile to me and my eyes shined looking at him.

I was seeing him after 2 big weeks and it gave so much peace to my soul.

'But looks like someone is struggling with accounts here...I get worried for her text books what if those big button eyes burn them into ashes someday in anger' he said giggling and I narrowed my eyes...

'Its not easy think accounts is easy???' I asked and he smiled saying...

'I topped my MBA mam that too from the university you are studying right now Mrs Ragini Siddhesh Pai' he said raising his collars and although the way he addresses me brings a happy tickle in my tummy but he was trying to show off his right now and no jokes on maths!!!

I hate it!!!

I took a bite of the toast shooting daggers at him and he laughed out loud. He came back changing into track pants and a tshirt and joined us on the breakfast table...

'Ryan you go to office today, I will be working from home today' he said taking the seat next to me trying to peep into my books but I hid it from him...

'I don't need help from Mister Ex Topper' I said stuffing some muesli in my mouth and he chuckled more.

'Nat...I think you must serve protein bar to someone here playing a kungfu with their favorite subject' he said trying to pull my text book and I pulled it back and hit on the back of his palm making a pout...

'I hate you...go to hell' I said and left to my room holding my muesli bowl and my books ...walking upstairs I banged the door with a thud.

Idiot!!! Moron!!! Fool!!!
I am seeing him after 2 weeks...I missed him... instead of cooing me with love he is making fun of me!!!
I stuffed some more muesli in my mouth and sat struggling with my stupid sum which was still not tallying.

I kept looking at what I had missed out and why isn't the ledger tallying.

'The fourth one...check that have done a mistake there...did you forget the rule of accounts mam...debit the receiver credit the giver...recheck that' and my eyes fell on it and I wanted to pull my hair... such a silly mistake...
Why on earth didn't I notice this before!!!
What an idiot I am!!!

I finally erased and redid it from there and this time my ledger tallied.

'Wohoooooooo yesssss' I jumped and turned around and hugged the person standing behind me...

And it was Siddhu!!!
My angry pout was back...

I pushed him away but he held onto my waist tightly and whispered...
'Someone seems to be angry' he said trying to tighten his hold more onto my waist and I felt butterflies in my tummy...

'You made fun of me... maths is not funny okay... neither am I...we both are dangerous' I said pouting while I noticed his eyes on my lips and he whispered...

'I agree...very dangerous' his eyes were still on my lips and I swallowed dry. He was making me conscious now...

I tried to get off his hold while he asked bending closer to my neck ... extremely close to my ears and said...
'Nervous are we Mrs Pai?' and I blushed hard.

'No....' I managed to say while he whispered in my ears...

'I missed you my thunderstorm' and it felt so good hearing that...

I slowly leaned more into him as my hands circled his neck and I said...
'I missed you too' and he smiled

'How is your studies going' he asked tugging my hair behind my ears and I nodded a 'Good' and he continued...

'Ummm Ragini we will be going home post your exams during the vacation...Your parents want us to visit' he said and I nodded.

'But for all that you have to do well in your exams okay?' he said and I rolled my eyes pushing him away sitting to struggle with my accounts text book...

'Is there an issue?' he asked and I looked at him showing my accounts text book' and he giggled.

'What subjects do you find tough?' he asked

'Well rest all are good except accountancy and Principles of never tallies the other never enters my brains' I said and he laughed out loud.

'This...this is why I won't tell you anything...get lost...I will struggle myself...go from here' saying I pulled my chair and sat down pushing my hands on the study table...

But next minute I froze as I felt a bearded cheek touch my cheek and his big warm hands on my waist...

I froze as I realised he was hugging me leaning into me while I was sitting and he was standing behind me...
His chin was on the depth of my shoulder bone which was exposed and now his bearded chin was brushing into it and my breath hitched as I felt his beard brush more on my cheeks...

A hundred butterflies in my tummy...

'I am sorry baby' I heard him whisper softly in my ears and then leaving a small kiss on my earlobe and I don't know why this didn't feel like the usual hug or kiss from him...

This felt more felt like things were changing between was making me conscious...

'You don't need to come to office till your exams finish...I want you to do extremely well in your exams' he said while still hugging me warm...

His hands on my hands...around my waist...his fragrance hitting my nose and his face in the crook of my neck felt like eternity...

'I will' I muttered and he smiled saying 'Good' he moved back and kissed my head saying 'Study' and was about to leave...

Just then I don't know why I said...
'Siddhu...' and he stopped on his tracks..

I got up and stood in front of him asking

'Will you tutor me for my exams???'

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