Broken Trust 💔 Destroyed Soul🥺😢

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Ragini's POV:

'I am so proud of you cherda (child)' my Ajjo hugged me tightly when we saw my results published on the website.

I had topped the state.
My grandfather had come back from his 'Teerth Yatra' and was so happy. He was smiling happily and was calling up all our relatives just to announce that his granddaughter had topped the state. My college had announced a gold medal for me.

My mother was trying ward of every evil eye from me...My father was also happy. But what he said hurt me
'Good... now that she's done well in her 12th and everyone would know she is a bright would be easy to get her a proposal. Anyways she is turning 18 tomorrow. I will start looking for proposals for her.' my dad said and I was shocked.

'Sumanth...I am still alive to take decisions in this grandchild worked hard and has secured first rank amongst so many children who have chosen commerce in their many colleges, so many districts. Karnataka is a big state with so many talented kids and your daughter hadn't even gone to tuitions yet she secured a rank.

Nothing doing! She will do graduation.' my grandfather announced.

'But dad we even got Shalini married while doing her grads...if her husband will allow she can also study further' while my grandfather showed him his palm asking him to stop

'No one decides if my child will study or not...and you yourself are a man of shallow mindset you will find one more such dissociated brain who still thinks women shouldn't study. Times are different Sumanth...just because your mom didn't study beyond her 7th std, Sushma didn't study after her 10th or Shalini was married off during her grads doesn't mean Ragini should also join the league. She's a rare Sumanth. Treasure her. She will become your pride one day.' saying he caressed my head and I had tears in my eyes...

Then he looked at my father and said..

'Nothing doing my child will study and this is my order' my , grandfather announced.

'Fine... but that doesn't mean me fetching proposals for her would stop...huhhh...just because she got some marks in exam she must study further...who will explain these people women are meant only to work in if with her study she is going to save me from crisis or feed me during my old age...Girls are meant to marry and leave...they return only for a child birth or return as guests for two to three days and go back...god alone knows from where these ultra modern things come in this the hell you want and I will do what I feel is correct' my dad muttered it all in one breath and left from there.

I felt wasted.
My achievements never had any value before but today when entire world praised me, my father was still condemning me just because 'I am a girl' and my gender was more prominent than my achievements to my father.

I was missing Siddhu so much today. I couldn't wait to hug him once. It's been two months since he left. I desperately wanted to talk to him. Initially it was my exams and then Siddhu was on some work travel and was mostly not reachable. He didn't even come when Shalini gave birth to two cute baby boys and tomorrow along with my 18th birthday was their cradle/naming ceremony. We had not planned any big celebration because Shalini was fighting a post pregnancy illness. She had severe bleeding post her delivery and had constant high blood pressure. Doctor confirmed she has a weak heart muscle and needs extreme care. She was mostly sleeping and tired. Mukund Bhavaji was doing his best to cheer her up but she looked too worried for both her munchkins. Honestly even I was scared. I just wanted to talk to someone about all this. Arsha was here...but she was a science student who was prepping her medical entrance exams. I couldn't bother her much. I was missing Siddhu so much. I so wanted to melt in his embrace. Every night I held that teddy bear into my chest and calmed my fears down.

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