Spiced up Emotions!!! 🔥🔥🔥 - Part 1

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Ragini's POV:

I was sitting with my bread butter toast right now but I had a mad mad urge to smudge the butter onto the man's face sitting and giggling with a certain 'best friend' of mine!!! Awwwww!!! Can we kill someone with a butter knife???

I kept applying butter to the toast it's only when Mukund Bhavaji told me...
'Raghz...looks like you are in plans on killing someone?'

'Hun' I was confused...while Mukund Bhavaji showed me the bread in my hand was crumpled while I was still applying butter on it. Given a chance I could shove it into someone's nose right now!!!

While I still kept shooting daggers at the 'good old bestie gang' including my pregnant whale of a sister who had joined them!!!

Malini Khandelwal!!!
I haaaaaaaaaaaaated her!!!
She was Shalini's ex classmate. Almost Siddhesh's age...I didn't know what bloody magic wand she had that she had woven a wholesome 'cuteness' quotient around her.

'Awww Malini is so cute'
'Awwww Malini is such a good cook'
'Awwwwww Malini is so responsible'
'Awwwwwwwww Malini is so smart'

My sister was all mine till she entered our lives...well till school it was fine but after she unfortunately turned out to be the cousin of Mukund Bhavaji... that too the 'most favorite' one because of the emotional factor that her mother was disowned by the family because she married a Maharashtrian boy... and finally the family reunited after 16 big years... Malini was treated like a princess!!!

In her house!!! Fine!!!
But it started getting on my nerves when she was been pampered in our family too!!!

My mother loved her...
My sister who could exchange me for a cooker suddenly wanted a sister like her!!!

But her proximity with Siddhesh annoyed me the most!!! Because around Siddhu she would behave like Siddhu was wall and she was a lizard!!!
And since then this lizard hasn't left Siddhu!!! The only time I didn't feel bad when Siddhu went to London was he wasn't there to attend her stupid birthday party!!!

'Sidzyyyyyy...try this na...I specially made Greek salad for you' she battled her eyelashes...

Yeah!!! Go ahead!!!
He's a cow!!! Feed him grass!!!
Nonsense!!! Who eats salad for breakfast!!!
Since last night I have been tolerating her!!!
Because she arrived all of a sudden Siddhu decided he could work from India and cancelled his flight tickets!!!
And I was only raging from yesterday...

Post breakfast all of a sudden she wanted to watch a movie...and the so called 'bestie gang' decided to watch movie from my movies collection.

My foot !!! I'll kill her if she touches my laptop!!! But she was shameless...and to add on was my sister...

She opened my laptop and made me punch my password...I was fuming!!! I could see not once did Siddhesh looked at me!!! He was too busy with his friend.

I was fuming!!! I hate her!!!
They were watching movie while I just wanted to go somewhere...

I got so angry that I went to backyard and climbed on the chikoo tree and sat there!!!
My favorite place when I'm pissed off!!!
I plucked a fresh chikoo and began eating it. Rains had just poured last night and chikoo was clean. But my anger was not subsiding...I could probably crush that Malini like a chikoo...

Just then I saw her here as well...she was standing near the pool area and talking to someone on phone...

My anger literally popped out the devil horns on my head...I smirked!!!
The pool was dirty due to last night's rains...
I smirked and picked up my headphones...pretended to be busy listening to music and bumped into her hard and didn't even turn back...

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