✨Chapter 84✨

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"Katsuki, stay still!" You huffed, trying to keep him from jumping away Everytime you'd stroke his face with a makeup brush. Sitting on your knees between his legs.

"You're getting that shit in my mouth!" He sputtered.

Currently, the girls decided to come together and have a little fun with makeup.
Girls being your friend group and Mina, Jirou, Yayorozu and You.

So.. the boys were there, and Katsuki was in your grasps to get his fucking makeup done.
You cooed, "Look at you, you're so pretty~",
Twirling your makeup brush in the eyeshadow.
Speaking aloud your method of how you'd ruin his face seemed nice.
"Okay, so I think what imma do is put the black just in the outer corner-"

But you were already doing it, taking the angeled brush and lightly sweeping.

"Not too much..."
You said quietly.

Then you started on the others finishing quickly and tapping the black off your brush, going back over to blend it out and make it smokier.

You pulled back.
"Okay, open.."
Awaiting carefully how this would turn out.
Not that you were suprised your artistic abilities could make such a beautiful look on him..


He was in the midst of blinking the powder away. "God, its all in my eye!"

You were running your fingers over his eyebrows, humming to yourself.
"Okay.. Despite your eyebrows being blonde, they hold a lot of um emotion."

"And I think, if we darken them just a little, you'll be unstoppable."

He sucked his teeth, "The fucks that supposed to mean?"

You closed the pallet in your hands and put it in your bag, searching for a darker blonde eyebrow pencil you magically had.
"It's gonna look so good."

"You're gonna look so mysterious. So sexy."
"Gonna pick up so many chicks, babe."

You were drawing on delicately the shape of his eyebrow. Careful not to go too dark or too boxy.. or make it look like you just splashed some dye on them.

"Gonna go to the bar and see a sexy girl and be like 'hey baby did u fall from heaven cause, fuck, my ass is hard.'"

Kaminari spit out his drink.
"(Y/n) asses aren't what get hard-"

"You fucking cumrag, I know that!"

Katsuki snickered and will never stop in the foreseeable future.

Denki was taken aback by the name you'd just called him. Bakugo's tendencies really do rub off..
But combinded with your creativity, well, he gets called a cumrag.

"That's why it's funny, Denki!"
You had to clarify.

Sero took a sip of his snuck in beer. Don't ask how he has it, just know it's there and he knows how to hide it.
Being in the hero course is strenuous, okay!? Something's gotta take the load off, and a porn addiction isn't doing the trick.
Okay, maybe alcohol isn't the safest bet either... But who cares?
Bad decisions are they key of being a teenager.But he's almost an adult so whose to stop him?

You grumpily finished his eyebrows. Brushing them out to blend a bit of the pencil it.
Then, you took a look at his face.
The smooth acne-free plain that it is.
Foundation looking like his real skin... God he's just gorgeous.

You were staring a little too long for his liking.

"Ooh~ looks like (Y/n) is falling in love all over again~" Sero cooed.

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