✨Chapter 14✨

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After Jirou had gotten a text from Mina to basically spy on her friends..
The first thought she had was absolutely not.

Though as she pondered on the message, her own guilty interest was piqued.

Naturally, she's not the nosy type. Not at all infact.
Having far better things to do besides spy on other's life's.
Like training her quirk to become a pro hero.

But holy fuck by now she was bored with the constant scrolling in social media. It was borderline repetitive. The same few adds, few jokes. It all got so utterly boring after awhile.

Jirou, though not barely involved if at all, was filled in on all of the recents discoveries between you and Bakugo.
Of course anyone would be curious as to how that even became a thought..
Or such a great thought it was basically a suspicion turned to a grazing fact.

Bakugo? The same guy who wants to blow any little thing that gets him angry up?

With you...
The same girl who paints butterflies for fun and skips down hallways because it "Adds a little razzle dazzle!"

It all had her very nosy.

So she decided the best bet would be to...Hook her earphone jack up to the closest wall to Katsuki's room.

And boy was she...

First it sounded very normal, you bugging Bakugo. As would be expected.

And she totally brushed it off, saying in her head 'Tch, I knew this was a load of bull.'

But holy lord was she not expecting the next turn of events.

You coaxing Bakugo to fight you, then a slam.


"Can you kiss me like this?"

Her face practically rushed red and she unplugged the jack as quick as possible.

Now the only thing left to do was inform Mina of her irresponsible snooping.
Or should she?


You kicked your feet in the air, head hanging of the edge of your bed as you played with a piece of folded paper.

"When are they getting a cuuuure!" You bug, feet clearly showing your exasperation.

"Go ask!" He whined in return, to slamming his thumbs on the keyboard of his phone.

Your cheeks bubbled in a huff. "Well Mr. Shitface whiney pants.. I WOULD... If I COULD!" You threw the paper at him.

"Tch, don't call me a shitface!" He retort, swatting the piece of paper away like a bug.

You only rolled your eyes. "You go ask."

"I'm not going to ask. Who would I even ask."

"YOU TOLD ME TO ASK!" You screeched, throwing your whole piece of paper his way.
You joke, "Kat, we need to break up. We're having martial issues."

Though it was a joke, knowing you very unclear way of saying things his heart dropped. And it showed.

You glanced around the room to search for a bordem cure.
"Oh my gosh! We could kiss again!" You exclaim straight from your head.

That was when Katsuki was aware you were joking.

He sighed and set his phone down. Always up for kissing you, but not quite enjoying his uncontrollable boners...
Then not doing anything about them.

Stupid Bunny. (Bakugo's Demise.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora