✨Chapter 43✨

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"No, no, see. That's where your wrong. Goku vs. Godzilla? Goku would win!" Kaminari exclaimed, hoping Sero would finally understand.

"By logic of life, Goku couldn't physically exist."

"Okay, but Godzilla can!?"
"Hanta, this is a scenario in which both parties exist!"

Sero narrowed his eyes to Denki. "Who the hell even brought this up?"

Denki pointed to Mina, who proceeded to wave with a smile. Glad she caused a fight between the two boys.

The elevator dinged near the entrance of the dorms again, catching the three's attention.

And it was immediately snapped to who was coming out of the elevator next.

And it was.. Ochako.

Seemingly heading her way to the kitchen, but stopped when she saw the group of three.

And they were here for whatever tea.

"Oh, hey guys!" She smiled, walking in their direction.

"Hey, Ochako." Mina grin in return.

Uraraka took a seat next to Sero on the long couch.

"What's going on?" She asked, putting her hands to her knees curiously.

Kaminari was in frustration.
"Who would win in a fight, Goku or Godzilla?"

This was a simple answer, really.
"Well, I mean... Goku and Godzilla aren't from the same universe so really it wouldn't even happen."

Sero pointed to her as soon as his point was made. "SEE!?" he exclaim. Happy someone finally understood him.

Uraraka giggled.

Denki was far from happy with this situation.

Mina, shifted in place.
"You guys wanna play a game or something?"

The other 3 decided a game sounded like a good idea. The night was still young afterall.

Ashido always took the role of the first person to ask a question... Since she was the one who suggested the game.

So, she pat her hands together.
"Hm... Ochako! Since you just came, truth or dare?"

Ochako thought for a moment what she wanted her fate to be.
"Uhm-... truth?"

'ugh, loser choice.' Mina thought.

Not to worry, she had a truth in mind.
"Whose your favorite person among us?"
She circled her finger around the group.

Well... She couldn't answer that question!
What if someone's feelings got hurt and then what?

"Kaminari's funny." She smile.

Mina nodded wishing it were you in her spot. You'd be so much more fun.

Kaminari felt like a god in that moment, blushing only a bit as it didn't phase him that much.

"Your turn."
She passed the torch, and Ochako took it.

"Uh.. okay, Sero! Truth or dare?" She ask sweetly.

Sero was always ready, "Dare, totally."

He thought it was a bit weird Ochako was hanging out with them, even though she was a part of the class and welcome...
It was weird.
But she did agree with him on Goku vs. Godzilla.

She thought her dare was so funny and was even laughing.
"I dare you to do 20 squats."

That was oh so lame, but he did it anyways. 20 squats all in counting. Perfect form, and rhythm.

"I do squats like .. all the time." He said, after Uraraka was amazed by his squatting skill and how super silly it was.

Sero sat down, glad that shit was over and began his question to Kaminari.
"Denki, Truth or Dare."

No one had asked him yet, and he was seemingly left out the last time.

Denki was no quiter and said "Dare."

Sero wasn't exactly on his feet with dares, but he could certainly try.

"I dare you to grab the lemon juice from the fridge and drink it."

Mina leaned up to slap his arm. "He'll get sick!"

Sero scoffed, "He's not gonna get sick. Take like a whole gulp."

Denki didn't exactly like the sound to that, but still he got up and grabbed the lemon juice.
Mina sighing and standing up to view this horrific masterpiece.

Sero and Uraraka joined them.

And he did it, with zero hesitance because he's sometimes stupid.

The taste was disgusting, and his face scrunched up upon making contact with his tongue.
Squeezing about as much into his mouth as he could, and he swallowed a gulp.

Then he threw his head down in a shake, trying to offically get it down, and whipped it back up.
"I ain't no pussy."

"... But that shIT'S NASTY."

Sero laughed, "Come on, it's probably not that bad."
And he snatched it from Denki's hand, squeezing the bottle into his mouth. Though not nearly as much.
He made a sour face. Thankfully able to swallow it so he didn't have to look like a quitter.

And he gagged.

Uraraka was worried for the two boys.
"You guys are gonna get so sick.."

Judging from Mina's perspective, they didn't drink so much to get sick.

"Kinda just worried about their tooth enamel." Mina says, pulling Kaminari's cheek to the side and tapping on his tooth.

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