✨Chapter 16✨

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Bakugo heard the buzzing of his phone far too early in the morning. Of which woke him up from a much needed sleep.
Even so, he slid a hand over to the edge of your bed, clicking the accept button and putting the device to his ear.

"Hello?" He grunted, fresh from sleep with a puffy faced angel (literal demon) laying on top of him.

His face dropped in suprise at the words being spoken too him. Though, really it wasn't too amazing.
Honestly, he's been just fine living in his dorm for the past... Week.

"Okay." Was all he said in response to being told everyone was able to come out of their dorms now.

As if it wasn't near groundbreaking news.

Then, his call was interrupted by another from his best friend.

Quickly, Katsuki took the buzzing phone away from his ear in annoyance, eyebrows knitting together, and clicked the accept button again.

Reluctantly so.

"Man! Come over!" Eijirou shout excitedly into his phone, almost over the moon he could see his friends again. Though it'd only been a week..
That felt like a week too long for him- an eternity.

Katsuki could only growl at the voice, "I can't."

"Huh? Why not?"
He'd expected him to say yes, but suprisingly it was a no.

You shuffled hearing the rumbling coming from Katsuki's chest, and fluttered open your sore eyes.
Feeling the dryness and tenderness around them, you're immediate thought was unexpectedly not lotion.

"Cause- I'm busy."
He wasn't exactly paying attention to how suspicious that sounded, and more so couldn't care less how suspicious it sounded.
Not like it was anyone's business to be poking their nose in his shit anyway.

"Whose that?" You asked hoarsely, shifting your head only a little to see him with his phone to his ear.

Katsuki's immediate thought was 'God. Dammit.'

There was a pause on the other end, and that was Eijirou's thinking noise.
Though eyes wide as the moon, Eijirou's expression lay flat trying to comprehend what he'd just witnessed.
Then...It may or may not have only just dawned on him.
"O-OH! Sorry man I didn't know I was interrupting-"

You yawned, stretching out the curvature of your back before placing your head right back down on your boyfriend.

"Tch, yeah, interrupting my fucking sleep."

"Yeah! Yeah! Of course! A man's...Gotta have his beauty rest. Haha.." He titter nervously in the line, waiting for his next words to come into play.
"Well if you uh.. wanna come by, Kaminari and I aren't doing anything!" Eijirou expressed gleefully.

"What are they doing?" You asked, overhearing the whole conversation yet only snippets.

"Shitty hair wants me over." He rolled his eyes.

"(Y/n) can come too!" He was quick to exclaim.

Now your head was perked up, confused but also wondering if that means what you think it means.
"Are we allowed too...?" You question in response.

He nodded, "Yeah, everyone in U.A. got tested and they all came back negative."

You pondered that, laying your head back down where- by now- it felt like it belonged.
And .. you hummed softly.

"Can he come here?"

Katsuki stared down at you for a moment just before responding again, though not to you.

Stupid Bunny. (Bakugo's Demise.)Where stories live. Discover now