✨Chapter 34✨

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"But think about it! You'd be super interested too!" Mina exclaimed, before stopping and looking at you a bit bothered.

"(Y/n), are you even listening?" She just about sighed, seeing you gazing off elsewhere in her room.

You nodded, "Oh yeah, uh huh!"

She was in the middle of explaining to you her elaborate plan for figuring out if you and Katsuki are dating.

Hopefully in an effort to get you to forgive her.

But her room was so interesting to look at. The pink and black theme certainly suited her personality.

"Anyways, I threw all of the old stuff away, and whatever is left I gave you."

You, again, saw that a nod was best fit.

"Yeah, that stuff is cool."
You say blankly, still focused elsewhere.

She kind of.. lit up.
"Wait really!?"

You hadn't realized what you said when you said it until now, and her response clued that.

"Oh- wait- no.."

She frown, let down once again. "Yeah I'm really sorry about that.."

You kind of giggled out. "Everyone got really weird once you guys thought Kat and I were dating."

"Yeah.. we didn't really have anything better to do, to be honest."

Right now it felt like you didn't have anything better to do.

And Mina was feeling a little awkward.

You'd become... Disconnected from everyone else since dating Katsuki, and that's certain.

Which every friendgroup you were involved in took note off.
You stopped coming to Midoriya's desk to secretly offer him chocolate, even though everyone else in class always knew.

And not to mention you used to bug Tokoyami like it was nobody's business... But really he didn't mind.

Of course, during lockdown it made sense... But now your stuck to Bakugo's hip like glue.

You'd finally agreed to come to Mina's room- she wanted to try and rebuild your guy's friendship.

"Uhm- anyways!" She began, reaching down and pulling the drawer to her bed.
Out she tugged a box full of beads and string. Bringing it up and letting it rest infront of her on the bed.

"Wanna make bracelets?" She asked, and whether or not you say no wasn't going to stop her from clicking open the plastic box.

You nodded. "Oh heck yeah!"

She smiled in return, handing you a pink piece of string.

It was silent for a few moments while you decided what would be put on your bracelet, gazing at all of the beads. You hummed.

"What are you gonna do for yours?"
She was already picking the beads she wanted out. Nothing special, it was just going to say 'Baddest B.'

You wondered for a second more before reaching for another piece of string.
"Gonna make friendship bracelets."

At first she was honored.
"For us! You shouldn't ha-"

"No, for me and Kat."

Her face dropped. Should have known better.
But she still was on the fence if you guys were going out or not.

"Why do you like him so much anyway?" She decided to ask, threading one of her beads through the string.

Oh boy do you have an answer. You didn't hold back.
"Cause he's nice... And he's got really cool hair."
There were more little details than just having cool hair, like his band posters.

Mina certainly thought it was cute, yet couldn't figure out how Bakugo managed to feel the exact same about you. Clearly. There was no doubt.
He wouldn't let that red string of fate untwine in any given circumstance, and it showed.

She giggled. "Cause he has cool hair?"

"Yeah! It looks like it would be spiky, but it's not. It's soft!"

Well, that is interesting.
"Wait, really? It's not like Kirishima's?"

"It just lays like that." You explain.

Mina wasn't expecting was for you to say he's nice.
While he may be nice to you, he's certainly not to others...
But that's just Bakugo and he doesn't really mean any harm.

To an extent-

And that's all Ashido could really hope for.

"Huh. How did you find that out?" She kept her list of questions packed neatly into her head. If you didn't want to answer them, that's fine...
But you and Bakugo would still be her OTP till death.
You had to recall, then remembered the first time you touched his hair.
"I was putting a headband on him."
"The funny part is, I told him and he said 'haiRsprAy Is foR nERDs."

Mina giggled again, threading another bead whilst you did the same.
You were making Katsuki's first.

"You should see if he can come here and make bracelets with us." She said.
It sounded like a good idea.

"He's with 'da bois' right now." You almost threw up at your wording.

Mina was appalled, "Oh my gosh their not a 'da bois' group."

"I know, I don't even know why I said it." You laughed, deciphering which colors would be best fit.

And you picked orange and black for Katsuki.
Which seemed nice... But he has a lot of purple in his room?

"Should I do purple or orange?" You asked her.
Face held in concentration.

She hummed, "What's his favorite?"

You sigh, "I don't know! He's got purple everywhere but he looks like a walking grenade in his hero costume..."

She snorted, "Do.. both. Omg, Halloween vibes."

What a genius.
"Wait! What if I did yellow and orange? Ooh thats so pretty.."

"Yes! That!" Mina exclaimed

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