✨Night 7✨

476 20 14

You tumbled across the floor in a desperate attempt to solve your bordem while Katsuki basically ignored you, sitting on your bed on his phone.

He also let that message just sit and never responded to it. Because why the hell would he need to respond?

What does that pink bitch need to know about him?

"Kaaaaatt!" You moan, rolling across the floor again.

He only grunted to show you had his attention, or what little of it existed in the first place.

Your sneaky little hands gripped at the edge of the bed before you popped your head up.
And Katsuki couldn't help but look, seeing as you remind him just of his uncooperative cat-

"Kat! Let's go to the mall!" You exclaim, happily. Beaming with light at your brilliant idea.

He only cocked an eyebrow. "Isn't everything shut down?"

You shook your head. "Well..yes...but no! They have protocols in place."

"Yea, sure, whatever. Ask your mom." He shrugged.

You were quick to skatter to your feet and run downstairs to ask your mother.

Luckily she had just gone out to buy masks for everyone so traveling was moderately safe.

"MoM Can Kat and I go to the mall!?" You exclaim out of absolute nowhere, and the poor woman literally jumps out of her skin.

"Uh!?" She huffed in bitter annoyance, dropping the knife she held.
"I suppose!? Go grab the masks and hand sanitizer before you leave, though. Or don't even bother going."

Your eyes followed her hand gesture to see two masks on the counter along with the hand sanitizer that was conveniently placed...Because she'd just bought it.

You grabbed the items and scurried back up the steps as quickly as possible to greet the boy once more.

"OKAY WE CAN GO!" you exclaim, throwing the stuff onto the bed.

"Jesus- fuck- what the hell is that!" He shout just as loud in reference to the objects now infront of him.



"Okay I wanna go into build-a-bear." You suggest gleefully, stomping your way through the self-moving doors of the mall.

It was mostly desolate besides teenagers that were feeling cooped up.

Katsuki already had his hands stuffed into his pockets, his signature walk asserting dominance wherever he went.
Yup, nothing was out of the ordinary.
Except for this annoying fucking mask on his face.

He only replied in the most honest way he could, "Tch, whatever. I don't care. But if we spend more then ten minutes I'm not gonna be too happy."

He couldn't see your expression- yet somehow saw the shock written on it.

"Well- whatever!"

You somehow led him to the build a bear, which was strangely close to the enterance. Peculiar, certainly.

"Aww, it's like one at a time! Someone's already in.."
You huff, turning back to the boy.

Katsuki took a moment to glance inside before realizing hot topic existed.

"Oh nooo...hot topic it is then." He said casually, already starting his stride towards the dim store.

You huffed and grumpily stomped your way over with him.

Stupid Bunny. (Bakugo's Demise.)Where stories live. Discover now