✨Night 4.2✨

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"I'm not dressed!" Bakugo pleads, trying to yank his arm away.  But it was no use, your grip was solid and he wasn't going anywhere.

As soon as the park was in his view, he began to worry.
Even so, your proud march to the playground didn't stop. And it wouldn't until you reached the destination.

"Are you tryna make a fool outta me!?" He shout, trying desperately to escape your grasp.

It had nothing to do with how he was dressed or with how his hair looked this fine morning.
No, it had everything to do with not wanting to be seen with you.
His world just might end, though, being seen with you would soon be the very least of his worries.

Katsuki's heart practically stopped upon seeing some familiar faces, faces he would never call his friends.
And not even the cool breeze or the birds chirping about couldn't ease the pit in his stomach.

Your training to be a hero, but god damn do you sometimes seem like the evilest person.

While Katsuki's eyes were coated in thick layers of horror, yours glistened as you recognized spikey red hair in the distance.
And next to that hair was pink.

How could you ever miss it. And what a coincidence!!

You gasped, picking up speed, Bakugo stumbling behind you as you did this.

For the first time in awhile, he was worried. "W-wait!"

"Go faster, you dummy!" You cry in retort.

Immediately, the two people you were looking at recognized your voice- as well as Bakugo's.

Probably the two most recognizable voices in class.

"Hey (Y/n)!"

You turn around, eyes meeting a familiar sharp toothy grin.

"Kirishima!" You gush, letting go of Bakugo's hand.

Probably the only person you'd release Bakugo's hand for.

Your bare feet patted against the ground without a care. A pebble couldn't get in the way of the giant bolder you were headed for.

You bolted.

Right across the street.

"Oh! (Y/n)!" Mina exclaimed, dropping the pocky stick she held by such shock.

Why did it look like you just escaped a mental ward?

"Bakubro!" Kirishima chirped as you full on hit his chest, throwing your arms around him the second you got close enough.

Eijirou returned the favor, giving you one of his famous bear hugs that only you enjoyed this much.

Katsuki growled, his hand feeling colder than usual.

"What?" He grumbled, now finally catching up to you.
God damn, you skattered like a rat.

Kirishima patted your back.

"What were you two up too?" Mina smiled, motioning her pocky stick towards the two of you.

"Nothing!" Bakugo snapped defensively, thrusting his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants.

The rose colored girl meant nothing by it, just curious. But that did make her a little suspect.

Your grip around kirishima was as tight as you could manage. There was no escape for him.

You ran up to him like a child greeting a grandparent.

Eijirou smiled, continuing to pat your back.

Stupid Bunny. (Bakugo's Demise.)Where stories live. Discover now