Drowning ~ Minishaw

Start from the beginning

Simon, internally cursing all the idiots of the sea, swims over to him. His arm wraps around him, clearly startling the boy.

Doing nothing to calm the man - more boy, by the looks of it now - Simon begins tugging them both to the surface. Which isn't hard, just harder than he'd thought it would be, because though the boy looks rather light, his legs appear to be dead weight.

Once they do break the surface, Simon gives them both a moment to gasp in as much air as they can, before he starts swimming them back to the foreshore.

When they get there, Simon positions the boy so he can let go, let him stand on his own feet, but the boy just crumples to the ground.

Simon winces as the boy drops, knees connecting with the sand first, quickly followed by his face. Maybe he should have held on longer.

"Sorry." He mumbles, kneeling next to him on the sand, his hand placed on his back.

From afar, Simon hears a panicked shout, the name Harry reaching his ears. A moment later, the taller two of the trio are stood before them, looking guilty.

The blonde one, taller, about Simon's height, falls to his knees almost immediately, both hands on the boy's - Harry's? - face. His hands shake as he lifts his head up so the two can make eye contact.

Simon just watches, perhaps a tad awkwardly, still kneeling on the sand. The darker haired man (who looks much older than this Harry boy) drops to his knees on Harry's other side, opposite Simon.

"Harry?" The taller one asks, voice gentle. "Harry, how much can you feel?"

Harry doesn't answer, just continues to stare his friend in the eyes.

"Harry," the other one says, his index finger grazing lightly over the sole of Harry's foot.
"Can you feel this?" A moment, then Harry shakes his head.

The dark-haired man nods, as if this is normal, ignoring Simon's panicked expression.

"Okay, how about this?" He drags his whole hand up this time, from Harry's ankle up to his calf where it comes to rest.

"No." Harry muttered, his voice tiny and scared.



Today is Friday, a day Simon is actually supposed to work. Just like yesterday, the beach has been mostly clear. Now though, there's dog walkers and the usual late-night Friday beach-strollers.

Everybody who has passed Simon in the last hour has acknowledged him with at least a wave. They all know him, most have spoken to him before. Some who come here on other days have even told him they're his favourite lifeguard at this beach, not to brag.

At nearing eleven, Simon is packing up and closing off the lifeguard deck. One two many incidents have caused that to be a company-inforced procedure now.

As he's trudging back up the beach, towards the car park, Simon spots a familiar face and stops. After a few seconds of contemplation, Simon turns left diagonally, slowly approachung the small figure sat hunched in the sand, staring out at the ocean.


Said boy's head shoots up, his expression startled, before he recognises Simon.

"Hey, you mind if I sit here?" Simon asks, because this feels awkward, he doesn't want to be rude, and at the same time wants to know if this boy he saved yesterday is okay. Admittedly, Simon went home scared last night, worried sick for a boy he'd never met until that point. A boy he's never had a single conversation with.

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