Chapter 28

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That night I lay in bed, alone with my thoughts. I'm unable to sleep even though I'm tired from the all-nighters I've pulled recently. My mind is wandering all over the place.

But I must admit, my luck just keeps getting better and better each day.

Gwen and Wes stayed with me for a long time after Renée's father shut me out, but they can't be with me all the time. Wes returned to Peirpont shortly after dinner time, and Gwen went to her room after I was in my nightgown. It's lonely without the two of them. Extremely lonely, and it's becoming clear how hard it is to be alone now that I no longer am.

I stare at the curtains, watching for any semblance of light to break through. Once the sun rises, I know Gwen will come here, and I won't be alone with these painful thoughts. I've tried to take my mind off of everything by reading the background check that was delivered to me, but it only worked for a little while. As soon as I had read through it all, my mind immediately returned to Renée's father and his words. Who knew my life could be just as restrictive, even after dying?

With a sigh, I roll over onto my side and look towards the wall. "Good morning," Nigel says, his chin resting on the mattress as he smiles. My eyes widen as I open my mouth to scream, but he jumps on the bed, covering my lips with his hand. "Be quiet." He puts his pointer finger to his lips.

I fall backwards, tumbling out of the bed and hitting the floor with a thud. Pain shoots up my back, knocking the wind out of me as I gasp for air.

Nigel crawls across the bed and peeks his head over the side. He stares at me from above with worry in his eyes. "Are you alright?"

"What... the hell... are you doing...?!" I whisper as I struggle to breathe.

"I'll ask again, are you alright?"

"Do I... look alright to you...?!" I take a deep breath and sigh, my back throbbing. I glare at him. "God, what the hell," I say in an annoyed tone as I rub the back of my neck. I groan as I sit up, knowing that I'm going to have a bruise on my back from this. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Be a little quieter." Nigel steps down from the bed and crouches in front of me. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine now, but don't brush my question aside. Why are you here?" I sigh.

"First, let me help you up." He awkwardly rises and reaches his hand to me. "And then I'll explain everything."

"Fine." I take his hand, annoyed. As he pulls me up, a loud slam echoes through the room, making us both jump. Nigel loses his grip on my hand, and I fall back to the ground, hitting my tailbone. I grimace as I rub my lower back. "Seriously?"

"Is everything alright?! I heard a loud crash from my room across the hall!" I hear Gwen shout from across the room.

I raise my hand above the bed and wave towards the door. "I'm fine." A sigh escapes me as Nigel reaches his hand out again, but I push it away and use the bed to help myself up instead.

"What are you doing on the floor?" she asks as I get back on my feet.

"I don't even know myself." I direct an annoyed look at Nigel. He nervously smiles as a chuckle escapes him. "Why are you even here? The sun isn't even up yet."

"Well..." He looks towards Gwen.

"She won't say anything. Everything will stay between the three of us." I motion for her to close the door. Gwen nods and quietly pushes the door shut.

Nigel continues to stare at Gwen, who nods, letting him know she won't speak about anything he says. He sighs and turns back to me. "Father is sending me out to Peirpont to meet with uncle Antonio to discuss the reconstruction of the city."

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