Chapter 22

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"I hate studying!" Gwen whines at me from across the room. She huffs as she places my notebook on the coffee table.

I giggle as I flip through a book at the desk. "You hate studying, you say?"

"I hate studying!"

"Says the person who was going to attend a collage to study architecture."

"That's different. I was accepted into a mostly hands-on program. Less studying and more experience."

"Right," I say with a nod. I remember her searching tirelessly for a program that would have as little studying as possible. It was kind of funny to watch. "Well, you can do this. I believe in you."

Gwen rests her chin on the back of the love seat and watches. "Easy for you to say. You practically have an eidetic memory. It's basically a cheat through life."

"I wouldn't call it a cheat through life, but I'm sorry about that." I smile as I flip the page on my notebook.

"It's enough of a cheat. You can remember almost everything you've seen or heard."

"But not everything."

"Well, enough that you can remember all the information in this notebook of yours." Gwen holds up my notebook, swinging it through the air.

"I'm sorry about that." I flip the page of the book I'm reading.

Gwen shakes her head and drops the notebook on the love seat. "Anyway, how much longer are you going to be stuck in here for?"

I put the pen down and sigh as I rub the back of my neck. "Well, it's been six days, so four more? He told me my punishment would be about ten days."

"I still can't believe the Marquis placed you under house arrest. And he's supposed to be your father?"

"He is."

"And it was all because you snuck out of the estate without his permission? You're not allowed to leave the estate without him allowing you? That seems a little strict if you ask me."

"It's not all that bad. I'm just viewing it as a week-long grounding in a luxurious hotel room." I smile at her.

Gwen looks around the room. "I guess it's not all that bad. This room is pretty extravagant."

"You're probably only in here with me every day because you want to see the room's architecture." I rest my head on the desk as I chuckle.

"No! That's not it!" she blurts. I watch her actions. She links her fingers in front of her as she nervously tilts her head to the side. A light chuckle escapes her lips.

"Be honest."

"Okay... that may be part of the reason..."

I chuckle. "Really."

"But I also come here because you're trapped inside this room all on your own. It wouldn't be fair to leave you like that," she says.

"It hasn't been all that bad. I've gotten tons of books brought here to keep me entertained." I look over at the stacks of books on the floor by my feet. "Though I think I'm almost through what I have now."

"You and your books." She rolls her eyes.

"But it's nice having you here with me."

"And I'm enjoying spending time with you." A wide smile forms on her face.

I smile back. "Now tell me, how far into the notebook are you?"

"Give me a moment." She sighs as she picks the notebook and flips through the pages. "I'm getting pretty close to the section on the country."

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