Chapter 13

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"My lady, are we actually going to attempt this?" Maryanne asks in a quiet tone as I peek my head into the hallway. I turn my head from side to side, checking to see if there's anyone around, but there isn't a soul in sight.

I glance back at Maryanne, who's laced her hands together in front of her dust-red dress. "Yes. We're doing this." I run my hands down the skirt of my fern green dress. "The halls are empty, so we should get moving before anyone comes." I open the flap of my cross-body bag and double check I have everything I need: my notebook, a pen and a handkerchief, among other things.

Nodding, I close the flap of my bag and turn to exit the room, but Maryanne grabs my wrist. "I'm still unsure this is the best choice. The Marquis said you couldn't. Isn't there any other way to do this? What if something terrible happens, and you are injured? Or worse?"

I glance back to see a concerned expression on her face. "Maryanne, we're going to do this."

"Is it not possible to talk to him again? He should listen to you, and then you might—"

"I've already tried that, and you heard how it went."

"However, I still—"

"Maryanne, we're going to do this."

Worry clouds her eyes. "I..."

"Trust me, Maryanne." I look into her eyes. "Can you trust me?"

She stares at me for a moment before releasing my wrist. "I'm... very concerned about even attempting this, Lady Renée."

I smile. "Nothing bad will happen. Think of it as an adventure and have fun."

She slowly nods. "I understand."

"Okay." I spin around and peek my head into the hall one last time to ensure the coast is still clear. Once I'm certain I don't see anyone, I take Maryanne's hand and exit Renée's room. We make our way down the hall, trying our best not to make any sounds.

It's eerily quiet as we walk. The halls, that are normally bustling with activity, are silent. The remnants of moonlight float through the windowpanes, casting shadows all along the walls. It's difficult to see since almost none of the candle lights are lit.

And then a loud creak echoes down the hall as I step on a floorboard. I freeze for a moment before glancing back at Maryanne, seeing her eyes wide with fear. We listen for a moment, praying that no one heard the sound. But after a minute of waiting, we realize that we're safe.

I let out a long sigh as I glance down the hall, not saying a word. I look back at Maryanne and motion for us to continue. We move down the halls on the second floor before making our way down the stairs into the foyer. I lightly step down each stair, squeezing the railing tightly until my feet his the main floor.

Once we're on the main floor, we follow the hall, moving past the dining room, and entering the kitchen. We quietly shuffle through the room to the side door. I motion to Maryanne, who hesitantly pulls a key out from her dress pocket. She puts the key in the lock, and a loud click echoes through the room as she turns the key.

We step out of the manor into the chilly August morning air. I glance up at the sky to see it's slowly lightening, hinting that the sun will rise soon. I take in a deep breath as a light breeze floats past me. While I do this, a quiet click sounds behind me as Maryanne locks the door, making it look as if we were never here.

I look back, seeing a worried expression in her eyes. She puts the key back into her pocket and laces her fingers together again. I smile at her, but I can tell that it doesn't help one bit.

A quiet crunch catches my attention and I freeze. I can hear sounds just a short distance away, and they're getting closer by the second. Someone is coming our way.

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