Chapter 18

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"Let me go!" I scream as the knights pull me towards an empty medical tent. I struggle against their grip on my arms, fighting them with every once of my being, but I'm too weak compared to them. "I said let go of me!"

"Please don't struggle, Lady Renée," one knight says to me.

"I'll stop struggling when you let me go!" I snap.

"We can't do that. The Marquis has given us orders, and his orders are absolute," the second knight says.

"Does it look like I care?! Who gives a shit if they're absolute! I have my own will, and I want you to let me go!" I shout, but they continue to drag me along.

I slam my heels onto the cobblestone, trying to create some resistance. Pain shoots up my legs, and I wince as a small yelp escapes me. But I continue to push my feet down as hard as I can. My skin tears away as a small trail of blood follows behind me.

The knights glance back, their eyes widening when they see blood. "Lady Renée! What are you doing?!"

I lift my head, tears forming in my eyes. "Let... me go this instant."

"Lady Renée!"

"Let me go!"

"Please cooperate with us."


"Lady Ren—!"

"I won't stop shouting until I'm allowed to help the people! I can't leave them as they are! They'll die! I can't let them die!"

"This is how things are, my lady."

I fight against them. "How can you let things be this way?! Do neither of you have a conscience?!"

"Doctors treat the people who can pay them first before offering their services to those who can't."

"Don't you hear they hypocrisy in your words?! Can't you hear how disturbing the words escaping your mouth sound?!"

"Lady Renée, please stop fighting. It's unsightly."

"Unsightly?! You're all disgusting!"

"The Marquis will not be happy if you continue to act this way."

"Screw what he thinks! Let me go so I can talk to him again! I need to convince him!"

"I see we're getting nowhere." One knight walks to my feet, grabs my ankles, and lifts me off the ground.

"What the hell are you doing?! Let go of my ankles!" I scream as they carry me away.

The knight at my ankles shakes their head. "Please calm down, lady Renée."

"I won't calm down until someone listens to me!"

"Please, let yourself be treated."

"I won't be treated by the scum doctors until the citizens with major injuries are treated! Now let me go!"

"As you wish."


I'm dropped into a chair inside the medical tent, my eyes widening. The knights stand on either side of me, placing their hands on my shoulders to restrain me.

I struggle against them, but I still can't do anything. "Seriously! Let me go! Other people need to be treated before I do!"

"If the Marquis says you need to be treated before returning to the estate, then you must be treated."

I lock eyes with one knight. "Should we let people die because the Marquis places my health above others?!"

The two knights glance at each other before looking back at me. "We must follow what the Marquis says."

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