Chapter 6

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The sounds of screaming fill my ears as the plane shakes and rattles. My head is pounding and feels as if it'll split at any moment. I cover my ears to block out the screams, the crying, the terror, but it does nothing to help me. I can still hear it all.

"Aria!" I hear Shaun yell. I can see him staring at me. "I'm in love with you!"

A second later, the sound of the plane hitting the ground echoes in my head.

I scream as I sit up, my eyes darting open as I look around for my friends. Gwen, Josh, Daniel, Bridget, anyone. I search for them, but I can't find them. All I see is the stone from the balcony.

I slowly breathe in and out as my heart pounds within my chest, sweat dripping down my face. I look up to see the sun setting. The sky is becoming a pinky-orange colour with fluffy white clouds passing overheard.

A long sigh escapes my lips as I look back at the garden doors. They're still wide open, like they were when I woke up here earlier. The light breeze is making the curtains float outside the room, still taunting me. And the birds are still chirping. My butt is sore from sitting on the stone for so long, but I don't want to get up. If I move, I'll have to walk into that unfamiliar room again.

There's a loud slam as someone dashes up the steps to the balcony. "Lady Renée!" Maryanne yells. "Is everything alright?!"

I blink. "I'm... fine..."

"Are you sure?"


She stares at me as a small smile forms on her face. "Then, why don't you come back into the room. The air will get chilly soon." She walks over and takes my hands, pulling me off the ground. My legs wobble and tingle as I stand. I stumble forwards, but Maryanne supports me. "Did your legs become numb?"

"I think... they fell asleep..."

"I'm not quite sure what you mean by that, Lady Renée."

"They're a little weak..."

"I see." She leads me across the balcony into the room and over to the love seat. "Please, have a seat."


"Are you feeling any better?"

"A little."

She smiles. "That's good. The Marquis, Marchioness, and Sir Nigel were all anxious when you began acting unlike yourself."

"The Marquis and Marchioness?"

"Your father and mother, Marquis and Marchioness Ashern." She looks concerned. "Lady Renée, are you sure you're feeling alright?"


"Your mind must still be dazed after waking up. Let me summon your maids and have them run a bath for you." Maryanne walks to the door and lets a couple of woman, dressed in maid uniforms, into the room. "Please give us a moment to prepare."

"Okay..." The three of them walk through a single door. A second later I can hear taps turning and water splashing.

I'm left alone in the room, my eyes wide. A Marquis and Marchioness, and they're my parents? And maids—there are personal maids? What kind of person has maids in this day and age?

I scan the room again in silence, taking in the walls, furniture, the chandelier. I thought that this was heaven, but it's too real. It's so real that it can't be.

My eyes stop at the mirror again. I stand and make my way to it, staring at the reflection again. Everything I see in the glass looks different compared to how I used to. I look away and wrap my arms around my body, Renée's body.

RenéeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora