Chapter 3

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About two hours have passed since the flight to Montréal took off. After boarding the plane, we split into two groups. Paul, Josh, Daniel, Bridget, and Julia over the wing, while Shaun, Roy, Wes, Gwen, and I are in the back two rows.

I stretch my arms before closing the lid on my laptop and placing it in my backpack. I try to be quiet since Gwen is fast asleep to my right, and I don't want to wake her.

"Wow!" I hear Wes say from beside me. I glance over to see him staring out the window with excited eyes.

"You've flown a lot, right?" I ask.


"You look like a child on a plane for the first time."

"I can't get over how amazing it looks from up here!"

"I agree with that," Shaun says from the row in front of us.

"Everything looks tiny enough to squizh under my feet," Roy says.

Shaun huffs. "You can express your opinion, but you don't need to say it like that."

"We live in the great nation of Canada. There's freedom of speech unless your words can hurt someone. As long as I don't cross that line, it's fine," Roy states.

"You're always bordering that line."

"But I know how not to cross it."

"God." Shaun shakes his head.

"Anyway, can you see Montréal yet, Wes?" I ask as I look towards the window.

"I can! It's pretty clear today!" He stares out the window, his face practically touching the plexiglass. I let out a small chuckle.

"Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking. We will now be making our final descent into Montréal. Please ensure your seatbelts are securely fastened, and your tray table and seat are in the upright and locked position. Flight attendants will be passing by to do one last compliance check and to pick up any remaining waste you may have."

"Gwen." I shake her shoulder. "Wake up."

She groans as her eyes flutter open. "Are we there already?" She rubs her eyes and lets out a small yawn.

"We're making our final approach now." I reach into my backpack and pull out a package of gum. "Want a piece?"

"Thanks." She takes one.

"Wes, Roy, Shaun, do any of you want a piece of gum?"

"Sure!" Wes spins around and takes a piece.

"I have my own, but thanks," Shaun says.

"I can handle the pressure," Roy states.

I sigh. "Was that necessary?"

"We live in the great nation of Can—"

"Shut up." Shaun cuts him off.

"I'm just stating facts."

"You could have said that nicer."

"Could I?"

Shaun stares at him and sighs. "Not if we're going by your standards."

"I rest my case."

"Just ignore him!" Wes cuts in. "That's what I do when he says something I don't like!"

"Okay, that's insulting."

"We can't have a calm conversation with this group, can we?" Shaun chuckles.

I shake my head. "It's not possible."

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