Chapter 26

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"Seriously, this room is so cool!" Wes says with an enormous grin as he looks around Renée's room.

"Isn't it pretty? I love spending time in here," Gwen says as she lifts a teacup to her lips.

"It's so much nicer than my room at home!"

"It's nicer than my room across the hall, too."

Wes lifts his teacup to his mouth before his face twists in disgust. "It's so watery! There's nothing but watery tea here! Where's coffee when I need it?!" He sticks his tongue out.

Gwen chuckles. "You know, if you add some sugar and cream, it will make the tea sweeter. You always used to drink your coffee double-double after all." She takes his cup, placing cream and sugar in the tea. "Try it now, Wes."

Wes grabs the cup and takes a sip. A wide smile forms on his face. "This is much better!"

"Good to hear."

"Thank you, Gwen!"

I sigh as I set my pen down and glance over at them from the desk. "You're both aware I'm trying to write, correct?"

"Yes!" Wes says quickly.

"Then do either of you realize how loud and distracting your both being with your conversation?"

"Sorry, Aria," Gwen says with a slight smile. "We could go to the library where there's a quiet space for you to work."

"That wouldn't be the best idea."

"Why not."

I smile at them. "First, you're both so loud they would kick us out of there within moments of arriving."

"We're not that loud!" Wes shouts.

"And how are you quiet?" I ask.

He nervously grabs his tea and sips on it silently.

Gwen giggles. "And what's the other point?"

"Neither of you is even bothering to use your new names right now. We'd be caught if we were in public. Practice in here will reinforce habits out in public."

"I don't know about that one."

"And why's that?"

Gwen grins. "I've already proven I can, and I think Wes would be especially good at it."

"Are you talking about his acting abilities?" I ask.

"I am," she says confidently. "He'd be able to pull it off with no trouble."

"I'd like to see that with my own eyes."

Wes grins as he rises from the love seat and approaches me. He takes my hand and places a kiss on the back of it. I flinch as he looks at me and smiles. "How do you do on this fine day, Lady Renée? Lady Maryanne and I are happy you've graced us with your presence this fine afternoon."

I cringe at his words as he lets go of my hand. "Okay..."

"How was that?!" Wes shouts.

"No wonder you were the lead actor all four years in the high school's plays and musicals." I sigh as a slight smile forms on my lips. "I see what you mean, Gwen, but I'm still worried about how he'll do in public."

"We'll only know once he's not just with us." She shrugs.

Wes scurries back towards the love seat and plops himself down beside Gwen again. "But was it good?!"

She giggles. "It was great."

"Thank you!"

"But you're still too loud," I state.

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