Chapter 10

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I must be acting weird.

As Maryanne and I walk down the halls, we pass staff who are cleaning, and they bow to us as we go by. I gently nod at each of them and smile. This makes them look at me with confused expressions, but they continue on with their work.

It isn't long before we pass through the foyer and out the doors. I take in the plants and trees in the daylight as we follow a gravel path alongside the manor. They rustle as a small breeze passes by, making my hair float around my face. "It's a little windy today."

"However, the wind was much stronger a few days ago. It was strange for late August," Maryanne says.

"It was strangely windy." I notice the trees around us become denser the farther we walk from the manor, turning from a well-groomed garden to a forest within steps. I glance around in awe as I follow the garden path further.

"Lady Renée, are you sure you would like to head to the estate walls?"

Estate walls? "Yes."

She stares at me for a moment in silence before nodding. We continue down the path for a while longer, nothing is said between the two of us the entire time. Her comment has piqued my interest, and I'm curious to see what they are.

But I wasn't expecting to find a wall that's at least twice my height and made of stone covered by a thick ivy. I walk up and reach my hand through the ivy, feeling the brickwork. Each stone seems intricately placed, showing the craftsmanship and dedication that went into every inch of this wall. It must have been an immense undertaking. I've always loved architecture, not as much as Gwen, but enough that I was excited to see it in Milan.

A long sigh escapes me as I run my hand across the wall, dragging it beside me as I walk. But I freeze when the texture against my hand suddenly changes.

Is that... metal?

I move the ivy slightly and faintly see what looks like a metal gate. I blink, confused. Why is there a metal gate hiding behind the ivy?



"You said this was the estate wall?"

"It's the wall that circles around the Ashern estate. This section is the eastern edge, though I am sure you are aware."

I flinch. Renée would obviously know about the estate walls. I spoke like I'm an outsider. "I've been a little out of it the past few days." I glance bat her and nervously chuckle.

"A fever can make a person like that." She nods.

"It can." My eyes dart back to the wall. It's clear she doesn't know there's a gate here. But how many people know it exists, and why is a gate hidden here in the first place?

"Lady Renée?"

I look towards her and smile. "It's nothing," I say as I let the ivy fall. There's no point in worrying about this gate, and I'm sure there's no point in me knowing about it either. "We should probably head back to the manor."

"Yes. We shouldn't keep the Marchioness waiting longer than necessary." Maryanne turns and begins walking down the path towards the manor. I follow her the entire way, knowing that I won't get lost as long as she's ahead of me.

We walk in silence the entire way back to the manor, and it isn't long before we step into the foyer. As I close the parasol, I notice Nigel and David rushing down the staircase with large stacks of paper in their arms.

Nigel's eyes meet mine, and he smiles. "Good morning, Renée," he says as he reaches the bottom of the stairs.

"It's almost afternoon now, Nigel," I say as a maid takes the parasol from me.

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